Right and Wrong
Freedom gives a man not only the right to make a right choice, but also the freedom to make a wrong choice.
The eternal difference between right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable.
Change the way you visualize the action, then you will change the way you understand others decision.
What is right does not cease to be right because in general all share in it.
What one thinks is right is not always the same as what others think is right.
No one can be always right.
The fact that good people can be forced to do wrong doesn’t make them less good. But it also doesn’t make the wrong less wrong.
Right and wrong is an objective action.
Sometimes wrong is just plain wrong. And sometimes wrong is relative. Understand the circumstances, and varying perspectives before you judge.
Nothing is right or wrong. It's all an interpretation of which lens we are looking through.
The wrong step becomes the right step once you take it.
We are right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad, a hero and a villain, and we've been just as capable of truth as we have been lies.
A lie distorts the image of reality. It is a delusion of the human mind which can disrupt an individual's sense of what is morally right or wrong.
Knowing what's moral is easy, acting on it is the difficult part.
Remember that everything is Right until it is proven Wrong.
It's not about making the right choice.
It's about making a choice and making it right.
Do the right thing for a right reason.
When you have the right.
It doesn't mean that you are right.
Light becomes evident in darkness.
We do not create light by avoiding those who are captives of Darkness.
But we become the light by illuminating the night.
By: Jay Carreon
FACTS OF LIFE is a wisdom laid bare
Friday, October 12, 2018
Thursday, September 27, 2018
A Journey From Religion To Reason.............
If money is the ROOT of all EVIL Why the Fuck do they ask for it at your Church?!!!
Religion is a stupidity at it's finest meaning.
Religion is a delusional desire because
Religion is a legitimate madness.
Religions is a modern day form of slavery.
Religion is for the weak and flimsy minds.
Religion is Ignorance with wings to reach your imaginary heaven, too bad i won't be there when the time comes to tell you, I told you so.
Convert now Repent Later.
Repent now Transform Later.
I'll go in hell in every Religion.
I'd rather die with no Religion than to pretend to go to your heaven with idiotic reason and faith.
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is Religion.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
BIBLICAL WARNING Sugar Coated Pritching Is Dangerous To Your Soul.
Life itself is a message,
Judge the Day on the Seeds you Plant.
Not on the Harvest that you Reap.
Because Impossible is only for the Unwilling.
No Guts No Story.
If you don't know Shit!
Your Life is Full of Miracles.
Thou shall not inflict thy Religious Bullshit to Others.
Nothing can dim the light that shines within that is the true magic of Reason.
The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.
Only sheeps need a shepherd just to be slaughtered if found useless.
Find a purpose to Live Not a Lifestyle to Serve.
By: Jay Carreon
If money is the ROOT of all EVIL Why the Fuck do they ask for it at your Church?!!!
Religion is a stupidity at it's finest meaning.
Religion is a delusional desire because
Religion is a legitimate madness.
Religions is a modern day form of slavery.
Religion is for the weak and flimsy minds.
Religion is Ignorance with wings to reach your imaginary heaven, too bad i won't be there when the time comes to tell you, I told you so.
Convert now Repent Later.
Repent now Transform Later.
I'll go in hell in every Religion.
I'd rather die with no Religion than to pretend to go to your heaven with idiotic reason and faith.
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is Religion.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
BIBLICAL WARNING Sugar Coated Pritching Is Dangerous To Your Soul.
Life itself is a message,
Judge the Day on the Seeds you Plant.
Not on the Harvest that you Reap.
Because Impossible is only for the Unwilling.
No Guts No Story.
If you don't know Shit!
Your Life is Full of Miracles.
Thou shall not inflict thy Religious Bullshit to Others.
Nothing can dim the light that shines within that is the true magic of Reason.
The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.
Only sheeps need a shepherd just to be slaughtered if found useless.
Find a purpose to Live Not a Lifestyle to Serve.
By: Jay Carreon
Friday, August 31, 2018
Concomitant Demise
All the sorrows of life are bearable if only
we can convert them into a story.
A natural phenomenon of death.
The few certainties in our existences are pain, death and bereavement.
Farewell is said by the living, in life, every day. It is said with love and friendship, with the affirmation that the memories are lasting if the flesh is not.
A Concomitant Demise and nothing is really dead if you change the way you look at it.
Learn to see the gift in the adversity.
By doing this you will begin to find true peace in your struggle.
Everyone grieves in different ways. For some, it could take longer or shorter.
It never disappears.
An ember still smolders within us.
Most days, we don’t notice it,
then out of the blue, it’ll flare back to life.
What the dead had no speech for, when living,
They can tell you, being dead.
The communication of the dead, is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living.
Bereavement is a darkness impenetrable to the imagination of the unbereaved.
Horror is a feeling that can't last long.
Human nature is incapable of supporting it. Sadness, whether it be from bereavement, disappointment, or misfortune of any kind, may linger on through life.
In a Funeral stop making a grave mistake dead people wouldn't like it.
One day can make your life.
One day can ruin your life.
That is All our life is.
It is four or five days a week
that change everything in one day.
The art of dying graciously is nowhere advertised.
To confront death, in any guise, is to identify with the victim and face what is unsettling and sobering.
If the corps will authorize someone to throw back the bouquet of flowers to know who will be next. So we could do this again some other time.
If a woman gives a me roses,
Save it to my funeral. I'd said.
Grief does not demand pity.
It requests acknowledgement.
The annoying thing about being an atheist is
that you'll never have the satifaction of
saying to believers & flowers, told you so.
Change the way you think and you will change the way you feel.
Death is never easy when you know the people doing the dying.
An upturned life is righted in the box.
By: Jay Carreon
All the sorrows of life are bearable if only
we can convert them into a story.
A natural phenomenon of death.
The few certainties in our existences are pain, death and bereavement.
Farewell is said by the living, in life, every day. It is said with love and friendship, with the affirmation that the memories are lasting if the flesh is not.
A Concomitant Demise and nothing is really dead if you change the way you look at it.
Learn to see the gift in the adversity.
By doing this you will begin to find true peace in your struggle.
Everyone grieves in different ways. For some, it could take longer or shorter.
It never disappears.
An ember still smolders within us.
Most days, we don’t notice it,
then out of the blue, it’ll flare back to life.
What the dead had no speech for, when living,
They can tell you, being dead.
The communication of the dead, is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living.
Bereavement is a darkness impenetrable to the imagination of the unbereaved.
Horror is a feeling that can't last long.
Human nature is incapable of supporting it. Sadness, whether it be from bereavement, disappointment, or misfortune of any kind, may linger on through life.
In a Funeral stop making a grave mistake dead people wouldn't like it.
One day can make your life.
One day can ruin your life.
That is All our life is.
It is four or five days a week
that change everything in one day.
The art of dying graciously is nowhere advertised.
To confront death, in any guise, is to identify with the victim and face what is unsettling and sobering.
If the corps will authorize someone to throw back the bouquet of flowers to know who will be next. So we could do this again some other time.
If a woman gives a me roses,
Save it to my funeral. I'd said.
Grief does not demand pity.
It requests acknowledgement.
The annoying thing about being an atheist is
that you'll never have the satifaction of
saying to believers & flowers, told you so.
Change the way you think and you will change the way you feel.
Death is never easy when you know the people doing the dying.
An upturned life is righted in the box.
By: Jay Carreon
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Letting Go
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Life is a gamble and when playing cards learn when to discard.
Whatever comes, let it come.
What stays, let it stay.
What goes, let it go.
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.
Some people believe holding on and hanging in there, are signs of great strength.
But those are just beliefs, Not an Actual Fact.
You don't have to let that one thing be the thing that defines you.
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.
Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.
Sometimes letting go is simply changing the labels you place on an event.
Looking at the same event with fresh new sets of eyes, to scout for new opportunities.
A grateful mindset, can set you free from the prison of disempowerment and the shackles of mystirious misery.
Everything started from nothing.
Nothing changes until people decide to do the things they must, in order to bring about peace.
The day you understood everything, was the day you stopped trying to figure everything out.
The day you knew the word peace, was the day you let everything go.
Letting go means to realize that some people, events, moments & memories are a part of your history, but never has been a part of your developing destiny.
The art is not one of forgetting, but letting go. And when everything else is gone, you can be rich in loss, but gained a new beginnings.
Demolish your bridges behind you.
Then there is no choice but to move forward.
Detachment means letting go.
Nonattachment means simply letting be.
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
There are powers far beyond us, plans far beyond what we could have ever thought of, visions far more vast than what we can ever see on our own with our own eyes, there are horizons long gone beyond our own horizons.
That is the power of wisdom and optimism.
Even on our weakest days
We get a little bit stronger.
Being different is a revolving door in our life where secure people enter and insecure exits.
If Last Night you Lost the World,
Tomorrow you will Gain back the Universe.
Behind all Peace, is in front of Letting Go.
By: Jay Carreon
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Life is a gamble and when playing cards learn when to discard.
Whatever comes, let it come.
What stays, let it stay.
What goes, let it go.
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.
Some people believe holding on and hanging in there, are signs of great strength.
But those are just beliefs, Not an Actual Fact.
You don't have to let that one thing be the thing that defines you.
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.
Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.
Sometimes letting go is simply changing the labels you place on an event.
Looking at the same event with fresh new sets of eyes, to scout for new opportunities.
A grateful mindset, can set you free from the prison of disempowerment and the shackles of mystirious misery.
Everything started from nothing.
Nothing changes until people decide to do the things they must, in order to bring about peace.
The day you understood everything, was the day you stopped trying to figure everything out.
The day you knew the word peace, was the day you let everything go.
Letting go means to realize that some people, events, moments & memories are a part of your history, but never has been a part of your developing destiny.
The art is not one of forgetting, but letting go. And when everything else is gone, you can be rich in loss, but gained a new beginnings.
Demolish your bridges behind you.
Then there is no choice but to move forward.
Detachment means letting go.
Nonattachment means simply letting be.
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
There are powers far beyond us, plans far beyond what we could have ever thought of, visions far more vast than what we can ever see on our own with our own eyes, there are horizons long gone beyond our own horizons.
That is the power of wisdom and optimism.
Even on our weakest days
We get a little bit stronger.
Being different is a revolving door in our life where secure people enter and insecure exits.
If Last Night you Lost the World,
Tomorrow you will Gain back the Universe.
Behind all Peace, is in front of Letting Go.
By: Jay Carreon
Friday, May 25, 2018
Growing Old
Youth is nothing but the painted shell within which, continually growing, lives that wondrous thing the spirit of a man, biding its moment of apparition, earlier in some than in others.
The important part of growing older was the growing part.
Resisting change meant forever standing still, which was a sad way to live.
Never become an adult!
They are a stressed-out, miserable creatures.
Growing older is a precious commodity.
Only a few can endure to achieve that distinguished distinction and quality.
Growing older is certain but growing wiser is harder and optional.
Give life long enough and it will solve all our problems,
including the one of being alive.
Like most middle-aged people who hear the clock ticking in our lives,
We had come to resent a waste or theft of our time that was greater than any theft of our goods or money.
Old age is like flying through a storm.
Once you're aboard, there's no turning back.
Day by day we increase in age.
Step by step we reduce the number of our steps.
When we grow old,
We shall see life differently
and we shall get a better understanding of the journey of life.
How we lived it and on how we should have lived it!
Before we permanently sign-off from the hourglass of life.
The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.
The optimism on the shores of youth,
where time hasn't yet eroded dreams.
The sooner growing older is stripped of reflexive dread, the better equipped we are to benefit from the countless ways in which it can enrich us.
Worry Not about Temptations,
As you Age, It completely avoids you permanently.
By: Jay Carreon
Youth is nothing but the painted shell within which, continually growing, lives that wondrous thing the spirit of a man, biding its moment of apparition, earlier in some than in others.
The important part of growing older was the growing part.
Resisting change meant forever standing still, which was a sad way to live.
Never become an adult!
They are a stressed-out, miserable creatures.
Growing older is a precious commodity.
Only a few can endure to achieve that distinguished distinction and quality.
Growing older is certain but growing wiser is harder and optional.
Give life long enough and it will solve all our problems,
including the one of being alive.
Like most middle-aged people who hear the clock ticking in our lives,
We had come to resent a waste or theft of our time that was greater than any theft of our goods or money.
Old age is like flying through a storm.
Once you're aboard, there's no turning back.
Day by day we increase in age.
Step by step we reduce the number of our steps.
When we grow old,
We shall see life differently
and we shall get a better understanding of the journey of life.
How we lived it and on how we should have lived it!
Before we permanently sign-off from the hourglass of life.
The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.
The optimism on the shores of youth,
where time hasn't yet eroded dreams.
The sooner growing older is stripped of reflexive dread, the better equipped we are to benefit from the countless ways in which it can enrich us.
Worry Not about Temptations,
As you Age, It completely avoids you permanently.
By: Jay Carreon
Sunday, May 20, 2018
The human body is the best work of art.
Our body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Just enjoy the ride.
Because whatever happens to your body, your soul will survive, untouched.
A believer is a bird in a cage, a freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing.
Even as our body betrays us,
and our mind denies it.
Freethinkers rejects faith as a valid tool of knowledge.
Faith is the opposite of reason because reason imposes very strict limits on what can be true, and faith has no limits at all.
Religion is a poison and knowledge is unlimited.
The freethinker has the same right to discredit the beliefs of Christians that the Orthodox Christians enjoy in destroying reverence, respect, and confidence in Mohammedanism, Mormonism, Christian Science, or Atheism.
Destroy guide-boards that is pointing in the wrong direction.
Drive the fiend of fear from the mind, it is the task of the Freethinker.
With or without religion, we would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
A free thinker used to be a man who had been educated on ideas of religion, law, morality, and had arrived at free thought by virtue of his own struggle and toil.
In life there are two things which are dependable. The pleasures of the flesh and the pleasures of literature.
It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, on what your poison religion brings.
Church says the body is a sin.
Science says the body is a machine.
Advertising says the body is a business.
Freethinker says our body is just a vessel.
By: Jay Carreon
The human body is the best work of art.
Our body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Just enjoy the ride.
Because whatever happens to your body, your soul will survive, untouched.
A believer is a bird in a cage, a freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing.
Even as our body betrays us,
and our mind denies it.
Freethinkers rejects faith as a valid tool of knowledge.
Faith is the opposite of reason because reason imposes very strict limits on what can be true, and faith has no limits at all.
Religion is a poison and knowledge is unlimited.
The freethinker has the same right to discredit the beliefs of Christians that the Orthodox Christians enjoy in destroying reverence, respect, and confidence in Mohammedanism, Mormonism, Christian Science, or Atheism.
Destroy guide-boards that is pointing in the wrong direction.
Drive the fiend of fear from the mind, it is the task of the Freethinker.
With or without religion, we would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
A free thinker used to be a man who had been educated on ideas of religion, law, morality, and had arrived at free thought by virtue of his own struggle and toil.
In life there are two things which are dependable. The pleasures of the flesh and the pleasures of literature.
It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, on what your poison religion brings.
Church says the body is a sin.
Science says the body is a machine.
Advertising says the body is a business.
Freethinker says our body is just a vessel.
By: Jay Carreon
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Each day has a color, a smell.
Smells could bring a person back clearer than pictures even could.
Nothing is more memorable than a smell.
Waking up to a smell is a lot more satisfying than waking up to a noise. Instead of barging in uninvited and yanking you out into reality, smells enter your dreams with a silent knock and a polite excuse me.
We are all human, and our senses are quicker to prompt us than our reason. Every man gives off a scent, and that scent tells you how to act before your head does.
When the shimmer of the past is melting into the presence, spreading a scent of attentiveness and inquiringness, our mind may ask for a new reading of the story of our life.
Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally.
A good fragrance is really a powerful cocktail of memories and emotion.
Perfume is born of both pleasure and pain.
It envelops the neck and reaches deep to the heart of recollection without notice.
Sweat can both be masculine, and feminine.
It can also be a scent which is both intoxicating, and repulsive at the same time.
Body odor's scent may be exquisite, but it's telling me that who ever has it, is a poison.
They say that body odor is a window of the soul because once you smelt it your soul leaves your body with total disgust.
An oppressive odor of decay now mingled with the stench of mold and seemed to clutch at the very breath that enters the lungs.
Our perception of life is limited to what we see, smell and feel. Everything else is just a mystery.
To those that have smelled death, life has a fragrance that can never be explained to the ignorant.
Smell is a potent enchanter that transports you across thousands of miles.
You're going to stink, but you can choose your stink.
If you don't smell good, then you don't look good.
By: Jay Carreon
Each day has a color, a smell.
Smells could bring a person back clearer than pictures even could.
Nothing is more memorable than a smell.
Waking up to a smell is a lot more satisfying than waking up to a noise. Instead of barging in uninvited and yanking you out into reality, smells enter your dreams with a silent knock and a polite excuse me.
We are all human, and our senses are quicker to prompt us than our reason. Every man gives off a scent, and that scent tells you how to act before your head does.
When the shimmer of the past is melting into the presence, spreading a scent of attentiveness and inquiringness, our mind may ask for a new reading of the story of our life.
Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally.
A good fragrance is really a powerful cocktail of memories and emotion.
Perfume is born of both pleasure and pain.
It envelops the neck and reaches deep to the heart of recollection without notice.
Sweat can both be masculine, and feminine.
It can also be a scent which is both intoxicating, and repulsive at the same time.
Body odor's scent may be exquisite, but it's telling me that who ever has it, is a poison.
They say that body odor is a window of the soul because once you smelt it your soul leaves your body with total disgust.
An oppressive odor of decay now mingled with the stench of mold and seemed to clutch at the very breath that enters the lungs.
Our perception of life is limited to what we see, smell and feel. Everything else is just a mystery.
To those that have smelled death, life has a fragrance that can never be explained to the ignorant.
Smell is a potent enchanter that transports you across thousands of miles.
You're going to stink, but you can choose your stink.
If you don't smell good, then you don't look good.
By: Jay Carreon
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Charm is simply a matter of being yourself. Your uniqueness is your power.
Charm, in most men and nearly all women, is a decoration.
From sunrise to sunset to sunrise, there is a lifetime of beauty, charm and elegance.
Charm is the ability to be truly interested in other people.
Charm is often despised but I can never see why. No one has it who isn't capable of genuinely liking others, at least at the actual moment of meeting and speaking. Charm is always genuine.
It may be superficial but it isn't false.
Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, it is the charm.
The easiest way to gain someone's trust is to deserve it. This should be pretty easy, assuming you're just being you and being real in a Minimal effort.
Charm is getting people to say "yes" without ever having to ask them a question.
Because to be charming, means connecting with others on their level.
Ultimate prosperity is one's value from within.
It takes a man of depth, morality, and charm to be envied yet without a sign of wealth or romance. A passion to prove such inner worth is a permission to achieve whatever we desire.
Don't ever loose the indefinable charm of weakness. It is the feet of clay that makes the gold of the image precious.
All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.
Charm captures the visual cortex,
But intelligence captivate's souls.
By: Jay Carreon
Charm is simply a matter of being yourself. Your uniqueness is your power.
Charm, in most men and nearly all women, is a decoration.
From sunrise to sunset to sunrise, there is a lifetime of beauty, charm and elegance.
Charm is the ability to be truly interested in other people.
Charm is often despised but I can never see why. No one has it who isn't capable of genuinely liking others, at least at the actual moment of meeting and speaking. Charm is always genuine.
It may be superficial but it isn't false.
Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, it is the charm.
The easiest way to gain someone's trust is to deserve it. This should be pretty easy, assuming you're just being you and being real in a Minimal effort.
Charm is getting people to say "yes" without ever having to ask them a question.
Because to be charming, means connecting with others on their level.
Ultimate prosperity is one's value from within.
It takes a man of depth, morality, and charm to be envied yet without a sign of wealth or romance. A passion to prove such inner worth is a permission to achieve whatever we desire.
Don't ever loose the indefinable charm of weakness. It is the feet of clay that makes the gold of the image precious.
All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.
Charm captures the visual cortex,
But intelligence captivate's souls.
By: Jay Carreon
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Talk dirty to me
I know a lot of people have a hard time talking dirty.
They dont know what to say, how to start, or when to end it.
At first they will think they sound ridiculous. And they might definitely.
But let me just say that talking dirty its not pretty easy.
To establish from the very beginning that you want to do it early on.
Because if you wait too long to introduce the concept, your Special Lady Friend will be a little thrown and might not take you seriously.
So you must master the vices.
You know that if a thing is worth doing, then it's worth doing well.
However, if a thing is not worth doing then it's worth doing fabulously, amazingly, with grace.
If you do talk dirty, make sure that you enunciate and pronounce each word clearly because there's nothing more embarrassing than having to repeat yourself.
Come here take off your clothes and with them, all the single burdens that you have carried your whole life.
Okay you rubbish mouthed, pimples faced cunt.
Your ears are full of wax and and your neck is full of dark dead skin cells.
You leprosy walking whore with a body odor that can knock out an elephant for a day.
You baboon ass blackheaded, bubble butt keloid bitch.
A twat filled with bacteria that can repopulate the world, once human race are extinct.
You helium filled boobs brain.
With a flowless scabies legs that there's no space for a new one to grow.
Your scabies can be compared to a skyrise building with it's majestic puss sprouting and squirting like a volcano coming out from its source.
With a feet so odorous, that once you took your shoes off, you can put a coma to a one mile radius city block.
That's how to talk durty to you.
You get what you get and don't get upset lol......
By: Jay Carreon
I know a lot of people have a hard time talking dirty.
They dont know what to say, how to start, or when to end it.
At first they will think they sound ridiculous. And they might definitely.
But let me just say that talking dirty its not pretty easy.
To establish from the very beginning that you want to do it early on.
Because if you wait too long to introduce the concept, your Special Lady Friend will be a little thrown and might not take you seriously.
So you must master the vices.
You know that if a thing is worth doing, then it's worth doing well.
However, if a thing is not worth doing then it's worth doing fabulously, amazingly, with grace.
If you do talk dirty, make sure that you enunciate and pronounce each word clearly because there's nothing more embarrassing than having to repeat yourself.
Come here take off your clothes and with them, all the single burdens that you have carried your whole life.
Okay you rubbish mouthed, pimples faced cunt.
Your ears are full of wax and and your neck is full of dark dead skin cells.
You leprosy walking whore with a body odor that can knock out an elephant for a day.
You baboon ass blackheaded, bubble butt keloid bitch.
A twat filled with bacteria that can repopulate the world, once human race are extinct.
You helium filled boobs brain.
With a flowless scabies legs that there's no space for a new one to grow.
Your scabies can be compared to a skyrise building with it's majestic puss sprouting and squirting like a volcano coming out from its source.
With a feet so odorous, that once you took your shoes off, you can put a coma to a one mile radius city block.
That's how to talk durty to you.
You get what you get and don't get upset lol......
By: Jay Carreon
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Death was a friend, and sleep was Death's brother.
Man is a genius when he is dreaming while we are all fast asleep.
Everytime you wake up, you appear again out of nowhere. And so does everything else. Death just means the replacement of the usual morning waking with something else, something quite impossible even to think about. We don't even have the instrument to do it, because our mind & our world are the same thing.
Anything seems possible at night when the rest of the world has gone to sleep.
Sleep is no longer a healing bath, a recuperation of vital forces, but an oblivion, a nightly brush with annihilation.
I think insomnia is a sign that a person is interesting.
They say, I am starting to doze off, as if it was nothing. But it is really a bizarre activity. For the next several fulfilling hours, while the sun is out, we are in a trance and slowly starting to feel unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything we know and everything we understand but then when the sun returns, we will resume our life.
We've crossed some kind of invisible line. We felt as if we've come to a place we never thought we'd have to come to. And we don't know how we got there. It's a strange place. It's a place where a little harmless dreaming and then some sleepy, early-morning talk has led us into considerations of the taste of death and annihilation.
Each night, when we go to sleep, we die. And the next morning, when we wake up, we are reborn.
Because there is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking us up to see it.
But on the other hand.
Who doesn't love sleep? If your life has the tendency to fall apart when you're awake?
But in some cases, we do our best way of thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. Their would be No interruptions and hopefully No noise. We are attracted to the feeling of being awake when no one else is.
Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.
Feeling sleepless is when you know you're in love when you couldn't fall asleep because finally reality is getting better than your dreams.
But if we are in an unstable relationship.
We've wanted to fall asleep. The sort of slipping off, the giving up, the falling part of sleep.
We were once told to Never go to bed mad. So should we stay up and fight?
Sometimes we can't help but wonder why this dark thing that sleeps in us is still asking that question.
Do we really need to stay up more just to fight? Or is it time to shake it off and go to sleep?
Some people wake up drowsy.
Some people wake up energized.
Some wake up dead.
On the other hand being sleepless is far better than waking up lifeless.
That is why there is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.
Sleep did not honor us with it’s presence.
That is why our tired sleepless brain needs to sleep to receive it's royal treatment.
By: Jay Carreon
Death was a friend, and sleep was Death's brother.
Man is a genius when he is dreaming while we are all fast asleep.
Everytime you wake up, you appear again out of nowhere. And so does everything else. Death just means the replacement of the usual morning waking with something else, something quite impossible even to think about. We don't even have the instrument to do it, because our mind & our world are the same thing.
Anything seems possible at night when the rest of the world has gone to sleep.
Sleep is no longer a healing bath, a recuperation of vital forces, but an oblivion, a nightly brush with annihilation.
I think insomnia is a sign that a person is interesting.
They say, I am starting to doze off, as if it was nothing. But it is really a bizarre activity. For the next several fulfilling hours, while the sun is out, we are in a trance and slowly starting to feel unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything we know and everything we understand but then when the sun returns, we will resume our life.
We've crossed some kind of invisible line. We felt as if we've come to a place we never thought we'd have to come to. And we don't know how we got there. It's a strange place. It's a place where a little harmless dreaming and then some sleepy, early-morning talk has led us into considerations of the taste of death and annihilation.
Each night, when we go to sleep, we die. And the next morning, when we wake up, we are reborn.
Because there is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking us up to see it.
But on the other hand.
Who doesn't love sleep? If your life has the tendency to fall apart when you're awake?
But in some cases, we do our best way of thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. Their would be No interruptions and hopefully No noise. We are attracted to the feeling of being awake when no one else is.
Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.
Feeling sleepless is when you know you're in love when you couldn't fall asleep because finally reality is getting better than your dreams.
But if we are in an unstable relationship.
We've wanted to fall asleep. The sort of slipping off, the giving up, the falling part of sleep.
We were once told to Never go to bed mad. So should we stay up and fight?
Sometimes we can't help but wonder why this dark thing that sleeps in us is still asking that question.
Do we really need to stay up more just to fight? Or is it time to shake it off and go to sleep?
Some people wake up drowsy.
Some people wake up energized.
Some wake up dead.
On the other hand being sleepless is far better than waking up lifeless.
That is why there is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.
Sleep did not honor us with it’s presence.
That is why our tired sleepless brain needs to sleep to receive it's royal treatment.
By: Jay Carreon
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.
We keep out dreams alive.
Nobody have ever drowned in sweat.
Genius is just a portion of inspiration, and a plenitude of perspiration.
Ideas do not work but it should be you who has to do the work.
Talent is cheap but dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life.
Those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.
Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best.
Find something you love and go for it with No Excuses, No Justifications and No Alibis. Never settle for anything less than you know you can do. It will be hard, but I am sure it will be worth it.
Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you are on the journey.
Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it, and establish your priorities.
Any job that is very well done that is carried out by a person who is fully dedicated is always a source of inspiration.
Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.
If you really want to do something, you'll find a way.
If you don't, you'll always find for excuses to arise.
Dedication is not what others expect out of you, it is what you can give to others.
Dedicate some of your life to others. Your dedication will not be a sacrifice. It will be an exhilarating experience because it is an intense effort applied towards a meaningful end.
A trusting heart will follow, only those who truly follow their heart.
The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.
Take inspiration from everyone and everything.
Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.
Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
There is No Fate, No Destiny and No Chance that can control, hinder and hold back the firm will of a determined soul.
Dedication involves making the space to let young ideas take hold just remember that every tree was once a seed.
Struggle ends where commitment begins.
By: Jay Carreon
People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.
We keep out dreams alive.
Nobody have ever drowned in sweat.
Genius is just a portion of inspiration, and a plenitude of perspiration.
Ideas do not work but it should be you who has to do the work.
Talent is cheap but dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life.
Those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.
Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best.
Find something you love and go for it with No Excuses, No Justifications and No Alibis. Never settle for anything less than you know you can do. It will be hard, but I am sure it will be worth it.
Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you are on the journey.
Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it, and establish your priorities.
Any job that is very well done that is carried out by a person who is fully dedicated is always a source of inspiration.
Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.
If you really want to do something, you'll find a way.
If you don't, you'll always find for excuses to arise.
Dedication is not what others expect out of you, it is what you can give to others.
Dedicate some of your life to others. Your dedication will not be a sacrifice. It will be an exhilarating experience because it is an intense effort applied towards a meaningful end.
A trusting heart will follow, only those who truly follow their heart.
The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.
Take inspiration from everyone and everything.
Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.
Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
There is No Fate, No Destiny and No Chance that can control, hinder and hold back the firm will of a determined soul.
Dedication involves making the space to let young ideas take hold just remember that every tree was once a seed.
Struggle ends where commitment begins.
By: Jay Carreon
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Pressure is a word that is misused in our vocabulary.
Pressure is only what you make out of it and what you put on yourself into it.
Pressure squeezes effort out of winners and excuses out of losers.
Life's pressure is equal to your resistance.
Pressure comes from within and so must be mastered from within.
Our eyelids are heavy but our thoughts are heavier.
Sleepless was the first thing that came out of pressure and really gained a lot of traction and constant aggravation.
Don't ever let the pressure exceed the pleasure.
How we handle pressure will determine whether we stand or break.
We all long for life without struggles and difficulties, but we must be reminded that trees grow strong in contrary to strong winds and diamonds are made under constant pressure. Pressure is nothing more than the shadow of great opportunity.
Only the unprepared are overcome by pressure.
All pressure is self-inflicted. It's what you make of it or how you let it rub off on you.
Pressure is a privilege it’s what you do with it that matters.
Pressure will squeeze whining out of losers and winning out of achievers.
Pressure is a powerful sustainer of accountability.
Without constant pressure there will be no diamonds, we are all diamonds build under pressures of life's struggle.
Hold on to pressure because a diamond is about to be born, shinning and glimmering showing off its highest value and it will be your time to shine soon.
By: Jay Carreon
Pressure is a word that is misused in our vocabulary.
Pressure is only what you make out of it and what you put on yourself into it.
Pressure squeezes effort out of winners and excuses out of losers.
Life's pressure is equal to your resistance.
Pressure comes from within and so must be mastered from within.
Our eyelids are heavy but our thoughts are heavier.
Sleepless was the first thing that came out of pressure and really gained a lot of traction and constant aggravation.
Don't ever let the pressure exceed the pleasure.
How we handle pressure will determine whether we stand or break.
We all long for life without struggles and difficulties, but we must be reminded that trees grow strong in contrary to strong winds and diamonds are made under constant pressure. Pressure is nothing more than the shadow of great opportunity.
Only the unprepared are overcome by pressure.
All pressure is self-inflicted. It's what you make of it or how you let it rub off on you.
Pressure is a privilege it’s what you do with it that matters.
Pressure will squeeze whining out of losers and winning out of achievers.
Pressure is a powerful sustainer of accountability.
Without constant pressure there will be no diamonds, we are all diamonds build under pressures of life's struggle.
Hold on to pressure because a diamond is about to be born, shinning and glimmering showing off its highest value and it will be your time to shine soon.
By: Jay Carreon
Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.
If she's not your first and last thought of the day, let her go. She deserves better.
Lovers are drawn to each other all along but they don't know it yet until they have met.
The day of hearts should be celebrated everyday because,
Love is the ultimate no-calorie sweetener.
So it must be consumened and devoured everyday.
There is only one happiness is life it is to love and be loved.
Love transports mortal beings to the existential plane of eternity, transcending the emotional, mental, and physical limitations of perceived finite existence.
Love brings up emotions that runs into the wide range spectrum of agony to ecstasy.
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Love knows nothing of short hauls because it has committed for long hauls.
In a world full of temporary things
Love is a perpetual feeling.
Love is a courageous device, it gives you the ability to see things in a positive way.
Love attracts, builds,redirects and frees the beauty of all humanity.
Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.
No matter how far we are from each other, thousand miles apart mountain ranges and oceans between us.
No matter how far the distance is.
Distance is belittled by the dedication and commitment of a loyal and loving heart.
Valentines is not a one day celebration, it is suppose to be celebrated everyday, every hour, every minute and every second of our time.
The love you take is equal to the love you make.
Connections are made by the heart not with the tongue.
Love is an act factor not just a lip service. Show love to someone today, tomorrow and the next. Not just during Valentine's Day.
Affections for someone is Not a Problem, but it needs a Solution for you to Solve.
Valentine's day is a day by day consumption.
By: Jay Carreon
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Pressure Pressure is a word that is misused in our vocabulary. Pressure is only what you make out of it and what you put on yourself in...
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