*********** DREAMS *************
DREAMING is Limitless.............
Without Boundaries.............
It is like Offing your Future's Possibilities & Probabilities.............
That You Might Fall Into &..............
To Accomplish Great Things,.............
We Must Not Only Act,.............
But Also Dream,.............
Not Only Plan,.............
But Also Believe..............
Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer.............
Always Remember,.............
You Have Within You, the Strength,.............
The Patience,.............
The Passion..............
To Reach your.............
Ultimate Goal.............
All Our Dreams Can Come True,.............
If We have the Courage to Pursue Them.............
Dreams of Yesterday,.............
We Find Ourselves Still Dreaming,..............
Of Impossible Future Conquests..............
Nothing is Impossible.............
From the Word Itself.............
" I'm Possible"............. So.............
Impossible is Nothing.............
If we have the Courage to Haunt Them.............
The Eye Can See Things More Clearly in Dreams.............
Than the Imagination When Awake.............
Sleep is the Best Meditation Because.............
Reality is Wrong............
Dreams are for Real.............
By: Jay Carreon
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018
We Are All Warriors and Coqueror of Our Own Lives.............
All Living Creatures Contain a Measure of Madness.............
That Moves Them in Strange, and Inexplicable Ways.............
This Madness Can Be Saving,.............
It is a Part and Parcel of the Ability to Adapt..............
Without it, NO Species Would Survive.............
The Will to Live is the Greatest Power the Mind Can Unleash.............
Desire is the Key to Motivation,.............
But it's Determination and Commitment.............
To An Unrelenting Pursuit of Your Goal.............
A Commitment to Excellence............
That Will Enable You to Attain the Success You Seek.............
Dignity is As Essential to Human Life As Water, Food, and Oxygen.............
& the Stubborn Retention of It,.............
Even in the Face of Extreme Physical Hardship,.............
Can Hold a Man's Soul in His Body.............
Long Past the Point at Which the Body Should Have Surrendered.............
Survival is a Privelege Which Entails Obligation.............
Life Comes From Physical Survival,.............
But the Good Life Comes From What We Care About.............
Love is Also Essential in Life's Survival.............
To Have Endured Horrors,.............
To Have Seen the Worst of Humanity.............
& Have Your Life Made Unrecognizable by It,.............
To Come Out From All of that is Honorable and Brave............
No One Can Tell What Goes On in Between the Person You Were,............
& the Person You Become.............
No One Can Chart that Blue, and Lonely Section of Hell You Were In.............
There are NO Charted Maps of the Change.............
You Just Come Out the Other Side.............
& Emerge Different or What NOT.............
To Cherish What Remains of the Transformation Out of You.............
& To Foster its Renewal is Our Only Legitimate Hope of Survival..............
We are Driven By Five Genetic Needs::::::::::::::
Survival;;; Love and Belongingness, Power, Freedom, and Fun.............
These Genetic Needs are Sign of Triump.............
We Don't Even Know How Strong We Are.............
Until We Are Forced To Bring That Hidden Strength Forward.............
In Times of Tragedy, of War, of Necessity,.............
People Do Amazing Things.............
The human Capacity for Survival and Renewal is Outstanding.............
Victory at All Costs,.............
Victory In Spite of All Terror,.............
Victory However Long and Hard the Road May Be,.............
For Without Victory,..............
There is NO Survival.............
Extinction is the Rule..............
Survival is the Exception.............
By: Jay Carreon
We Are All Warriors and Coqueror of Our Own Lives.............
All Living Creatures Contain a Measure of Madness.............
That Moves Them in Strange, and Inexplicable Ways.............
This Madness Can Be Saving,.............
It is a Part and Parcel of the Ability to Adapt..............
Without it, NO Species Would Survive.............
The Will to Live is the Greatest Power the Mind Can Unleash.............
Desire is the Key to Motivation,.............
But it's Determination and Commitment.............
To An Unrelenting Pursuit of Your Goal.............
A Commitment to Excellence............
That Will Enable You to Attain the Success You Seek.............
Dignity is As Essential to Human Life As Water, Food, and Oxygen.............
& the Stubborn Retention of It,.............
Even in the Face of Extreme Physical Hardship,.............
Can Hold a Man's Soul in His Body.............
Long Past the Point at Which the Body Should Have Surrendered.............
Survival is a Privelege Which Entails Obligation.............
Life Comes From Physical Survival,.............
But the Good Life Comes From What We Care About.............
Love is Also Essential in Life's Survival.............
To Have Endured Horrors,.............
To Have Seen the Worst of Humanity.............
& Have Your Life Made Unrecognizable by It,.............
To Come Out From All of that is Honorable and Brave............
No One Can Tell What Goes On in Between the Person You Were,............
& the Person You Become.............
No One Can Chart that Blue, and Lonely Section of Hell You Were In.............
There are NO Charted Maps of the Change.............
You Just Come Out the Other Side.............
& Emerge Different or What NOT.............
To Cherish What Remains of the Transformation Out of You.............
& To Foster its Renewal is Our Only Legitimate Hope of Survival..............
We are Driven By Five Genetic Needs::::::::::::::
Survival;;; Love and Belongingness, Power, Freedom, and Fun.............
These Genetic Needs are Sign of Triump.............
We Don't Even Know How Strong We Are.............
Until We Are Forced To Bring That Hidden Strength Forward.............
In Times of Tragedy, of War, of Necessity,.............
People Do Amazing Things.............
The human Capacity for Survival and Renewal is Outstanding.............
Victory at All Costs,.............
Victory In Spite of All Terror,.............
Victory However Long and Hard the Road May Be,.............
For Without Victory,..............
There is NO Survival.............
Extinction is the Rule..............
Survival is the Exception.............
By: Jay Carreon
****** COURAGE ******
A Paragon Person Doesn't Need to Shout Out Loud.............
Killing is Carnage.............
Forgiveness is Courage.............
It Takes a Long Lip to Change.............
A Courage to Cross & Move Out of your Comfort Zone.............
& Explore & Venture New Horizons to Conquer............
& Chart for the New Chapter of Your Life.............
Courage is Found in Unlikely Places.............
Courage is Resistance to Fear,.............
Mastery of Fear Not Absence of Fear.............
Courage isn't Having the Strength to Go On.............
It is Going On When You Don't Have Strength.............
Courage is the Most Important of All the Virtues.............
Because Without Courage,..............
You Can't Practice Any Other Virtue Consistently.............
Courage is Acceptance.............
Denial is Reason.............
A Floss for Weakness.............
Courage is Contagious..............
When a Brave Man Takes a Stand,.............
The Spines of Others Are Often Stiffened.............
Because Life is To Be Entered Upon With Courage.............
Courage is Willingness to Act.............
Inspite of Fear.............
Because Fear is just a State of Mind.............
& Courage is an Act that Needs to be Done.............
Courage is Going to a Place Where.............
No One Person Wants to Go.............
Taunted by the Past .............
Inspired by Truth.............
Find Someone or Something to Live for.............
Find Someone or Something to Die for.............
Stop Holding Back.............
Time & Death is Only Constant.............
Because what Nourishes me.............
Will also Destroy me.............
Courage is Not the Absence of Fear.............
But the Acquired Ability.............
To Move Beyond Fear.............
By: Jay Carreon
A Paragon Person Doesn't Need to Shout Out Loud.............
Killing is Carnage.............
Forgiveness is Courage.............
It Takes a Long Lip to Change.............
A Courage to Cross & Move Out of your Comfort Zone.............
& Explore & Venture New Horizons to Conquer............
& Chart for the New Chapter of Your Life.............
Courage is Found in Unlikely Places.............
Courage is Resistance to Fear,.............
Mastery of Fear Not Absence of Fear.............
Courage isn't Having the Strength to Go On.............
It is Going On When You Don't Have Strength.............
Courage is the Most Important of All the Virtues.............
Because Without Courage,..............
You Can't Practice Any Other Virtue Consistently.............
Courage is Acceptance.............
Denial is Reason.............
A Floss for Weakness.............
Courage is Contagious..............
When a Brave Man Takes a Stand,.............
The Spines of Others Are Often Stiffened.............
Because Life is To Be Entered Upon With Courage.............
Courage is Willingness to Act.............
Inspite of Fear.............
Because Fear is just a State of Mind.............
& Courage is an Act that Needs to be Done.............
Courage is Going to a Place Where.............
No One Person Wants to Go.............
Taunted by the Past .............
Inspired by Truth.............
Find Someone or Something to Live for.............
Find Someone or Something to Die for.............
Stop Holding Back.............
Time & Death is Only Constant.............
Because what Nourishes me.............
Will also Destroy me.............
Courage is Not the Absence of Fear.............
But the Acquired Ability.............
To Move Beyond Fear.............
By: Jay Carreon
Man & Armament
The Two Most Powerful Warriors are Patience and Time.............
Whoever Said That the Pen is Mightier Than the Sword..............
Obviously Never Encountered Automatic Weapons..............
The Great Questions of the Day.............
Will Not Be Settled.............
By Means of Speeches and Majority Decisions.............
But By Iron and Blood.............
Let Your Plans Be Dark and Impenetrable As Night,.............
And When You Move,............
Fall Like a Thunderbolt.............
Never Give An Order That Can't Be Obeyed.............
Beware Not the Enemy From WITHOUT.............
But the Enemy From WITHIN.............
War Remains the Decisive Human Failure.............
Mankind Must Put an End to War.............
Before War Puts an End to Mankind.............
War Does Not Determine Who is Right.............
Only Who is Left.............
You Cannot Simultaneously Prevent and Prepare for War..............
For Those To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required.............
It is Not Whether You Get Knocked Down,.............
It's Whether You Get Up.............
There is No Substitute For Victory..............
Victorious Warriors Win First and Then Go to War,.............
While Defeated Warriors Go to War First.............
And Then Seek to Win.............
If You Win,.............
You Need Not Have to Explain.............
If You Lose,.............
You Should Not Be There to Explain.............
Cowards Leave A Thousand Battle To Tell A Story.............
That They Haven't Even Won Themselves.............
But A Foot Soldier DIE's Once In A Battle.............
It Only Show's That There Are Always.............
TWO Sides Of Each & Every Story.............
No Matter How Powerful You Are In Life & In The Society,.............
You Can Not Escape The Inevitable &.............
The World Has A Lot Of Reckoning Surprises Waiting For Us.............
On The Way............
HEROES Come & Go.............
But Soldiers Live ETERNAL.............
By: Jay Carreon
The Two Most Powerful Warriors are Patience and Time.............
Whoever Said That the Pen is Mightier Than the Sword..............
Obviously Never Encountered Automatic Weapons..............
The Great Questions of the Day.............
Will Not Be Settled.............
By Means of Speeches and Majority Decisions.............
But By Iron and Blood.............
Let Your Plans Be Dark and Impenetrable As Night,.............
And When You Move,............
Fall Like a Thunderbolt.............
Never Give An Order That Can't Be Obeyed.............
Beware Not the Enemy From WITHOUT.............
But the Enemy From WITHIN.............
War Remains the Decisive Human Failure.............
Mankind Must Put an End to War.............
Before War Puts an End to Mankind.............
War Does Not Determine Who is Right.............
Only Who is Left.............
You Cannot Simultaneously Prevent and Prepare for War..............
For Those To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required.............
It is Not Whether You Get Knocked Down,.............
It's Whether You Get Up.............
There is No Substitute For Victory..............
Victorious Warriors Win First and Then Go to War,.............
While Defeated Warriors Go to War First.............
And Then Seek to Win.............
If You Win,.............
You Need Not Have to Explain.............
If You Lose,.............
You Should Not Be There to Explain.............
Cowards Leave A Thousand Battle To Tell A Story.............
That They Haven't Even Won Themselves.............
But A Foot Soldier DIE's Once In A Battle.............
It Only Show's That There Are Always.............
TWO Sides Of Each & Every Story.............
No Matter How Powerful You Are In Life & In The Society,.............
You Can Not Escape The Inevitable &.............
The World Has A Lot Of Reckoning Surprises Waiting For Us.............
On The Way............
HEROES Come & Go.............
But Soldiers Live ETERNAL.............
By: Jay Carreon
Follow The Light
It Is Hard To Be A Bright Light In A Dim World.............
No One Lights a Lamp in Order to Hide it Behind the Door.............
The Purpose of Light is to Create More Light,.............
To Open People's Eyes, To Reveal.............
The Marvels Around When Darkness Rule The Night..............
There are Darkness in Life.............
And There are Lights,.............
And You Are One of the Lights,.............
The Light of All Lights.............
Light Thinks it Travels Faster Than Anything But it is Wrong...............
No Matter How Fast Light Travels,.............
It Finds the Darkness Has Always Got There First,.............
And is Waiting For It.............
The Universe Is The Throne Of Darkness..............
And Space Is Its Dominion.............
Jut Like When You Light a Candle,.............
You Also Cast a Shadow.............
Because Light and Darkness Are Inseparable.............
Indivisible, and Inextricable.............
We've All Got Both Light and Dark Inside Us.............
What Matters is The Part We Choose To Act On.............
That's Who We Really Are.............
People Used To Love This Line?????????????
Follow The Light............
Haven't You Just Realized?.............
That Following The Light Is A Recipe Or Formula For Disaster,.............
Just Imagine If You Are Crossing At Night.............
Should You Be Brilliant Enough To Follow The Light?.............
That Light Will Bring You To The ER or Emergency Room.............
Or Most Probably If Your Are Lucky Enough.............
You Will Have To Race With Your Very Own Grim Reaper.............
& Flat Line Wouldn't Be Against You,.............
But Will Soon Embrace You On Your Final Hour,.............
& That Light Will Kick Your Breath Away..............
By: Jay Carreon
It Is Hard To Be A Bright Light In A Dim World.............
No One Lights a Lamp in Order to Hide it Behind the Door.............
The Purpose of Light is to Create More Light,.............
To Open People's Eyes, To Reveal.............
The Marvels Around When Darkness Rule The Night..............
There are Darkness in Life.............
And There are Lights,.............
And You Are One of the Lights,.............
The Light of All Lights.............
Light Thinks it Travels Faster Than Anything But it is Wrong...............
No Matter How Fast Light Travels,.............
It Finds the Darkness Has Always Got There First,.............
And is Waiting For It.............
The Universe Is The Throne Of Darkness..............
And Space Is Its Dominion.............
Jut Like When You Light a Candle,.............
You Also Cast a Shadow.............
Because Light and Darkness Are Inseparable.............
Indivisible, and Inextricable.............
We've All Got Both Light and Dark Inside Us.............
What Matters is The Part We Choose To Act On.............
That's Who We Really Are.............
People Used To Love This Line?????????????
Follow The Light............
Haven't You Just Realized?.............
That Following The Light Is A Recipe Or Formula For Disaster,.............
Just Imagine If You Are Crossing At Night.............
Should You Be Brilliant Enough To Follow The Light?.............
That Light Will Bring You To The ER or Emergency Room.............
Or Most Probably If Your Are Lucky Enough.............
You Will Have To Race With Your Very Own Grim Reaper.............
& Flat Line Wouldn't Be Against You,.............
But Will Soon Embrace You On Your Final Hour,.............
& That Light Will Kick Your Breath Away..............
By: Jay Carreon
************* Life's Irony *************
Life is, Comedy's Gone in a Weird Direction.............
People are really into Ironic Comedy and Fakeness and Cleverness.............
We adore one Person.............
Who Adores Us Less & in the Other Way Around.............
The One's We Adore Less is the One Who Adores Us the Most.............
I Find it Ironic that Happy Endings Now.............
Are Called Fairytale Endings Because.............
There's Nothing Happy About Most Fairytale Endings.............
Promises are Always Meant to Be Broken.............
So Another One's Promise Should &.............
Must Have An Expiration Date.............
At least You Have a Word of Honor.............
Bare in Mind We Are Just Homo Sapiens.............
We Have the Capacity & Capability to Comite Mistakes.............
Part of Learning Trial & Error.............
What you have Done is what you have become.............
You Served Your Moral Purpose..............
From this Point of View,.............
Science the Real Game in Town is Rhetoric,.............
A Series of Efforts to Persuade.............
Relevant Social Actions that Manufacture Knowledge.............
A Route to a Desired Form of Impact & Objective Power.............
There's Nothing More Ironic Nor Contradictory than Life Itself.............
There is No Right Way To Do Something Wrong.............
Learn to Live with it or Die Trying.............
By: Jay Carreon
Life is, Comedy's Gone in a Weird Direction.............
People are really into Ironic Comedy and Fakeness and Cleverness.............
We adore one Person.............
Who Adores Us Less & in the Other Way Around.............
The One's We Adore Less is the One Who Adores Us the Most.............
I Find it Ironic that Happy Endings Now.............
Are Called Fairytale Endings Because.............
There's Nothing Happy About Most Fairytale Endings.............
Promises are Always Meant to Be Broken.............
So Another One's Promise Should &.............
Must Have An Expiration Date.............
At least You Have a Word of Honor.............
Bare in Mind We Are Just Homo Sapiens.............
We Have the Capacity & Capability to Comite Mistakes.............
Part of Learning Trial & Error.............
What you have Done is what you have become.............
You Served Your Moral Purpose..............
From this Point of View,.............
Science the Real Game in Town is Rhetoric,.............
A Series of Efforts to Persuade.............
Relevant Social Actions that Manufacture Knowledge.............
A Route to a Desired Form of Impact & Objective Power.............
There's Nothing More Ironic Nor Contradictory than Life Itself.............
There is No Right Way To Do Something Wrong.............
Learn to Live with it or Die Trying.............
By: Jay Carreon
Achievements Comes in Many Forms.............
Not Just By Fake and Useless Gold/Silver/Bronze Plated pcs.............
Not Even in a Form of Paper Nor Laminates.............
Achievement is Knowledge Experience &.............
On How You Use All of These For Good.............
In a Form of Helping & By Gratitude From Simple Things Nor Actions...........
Can Cause a Huge Impact to the Reciever.............
& That Is A True Achievement to Up-Lift the Soul of the Once in Need.............
The Starting Point of All..............
Achievement is Desire.............
Optimism is the Faith that Leads to Achievement.............
Nothing Can Be Done Without.............
Reliance & Confidence.............
The Thrill of Creative Effort..............
Achievement of your Happiness.............
Is the only Moral Purpose of your life,..............
& That Happiness,.............
Not Pain or Mindless Self-indulgence,.............
Is the Proof of Your Moral Integrity.............
Not Even a Pack of Wolves Dares to Cross your Path..............
Trust yourself.............
Create the Kind of Self that you will be Happy to Live with All your Life..............
Be the Person who you Really are Then.............
Make the Most of Yourself.............
By Straining the Tiny,.............
Inner Sparks of Possibility into Aeonian Flames of Achievement..............
Without Constant & Continual.............
Growth & Progress,.............
Such words as;.............
Success have NO Meaning.............
Aim for Glory.............
Brace for Disaster.............
Then you will Exuberate your.............
Life's Achievement.............
Own it and it is yours to keep.............
Achievement belongs to a man who believes in it the most.............
By: Jay Carreon
Achievements Comes in Many Forms.............
Not Just By Fake and Useless Gold/Silver/Bronze Plated pcs.............
Not Even in a Form of Paper Nor Laminates.............
Achievement is Knowledge Experience &.............
On How You Use All of These For Good.............
In a Form of Helping & By Gratitude From Simple Things Nor Actions...........
Can Cause a Huge Impact to the Reciever.............
& That Is A True Achievement to Up-Lift the Soul of the Once in Need.............
The Starting Point of All..............
Achievement is Desire.............
Optimism is the Faith that Leads to Achievement.............
Nothing Can Be Done Without.............
Reliance & Confidence.............
The Thrill of Creative Effort..............
Achievement of your Happiness.............
Is the only Moral Purpose of your life,..............
& That Happiness,.............
Not Pain or Mindless Self-indulgence,.............
Is the Proof of Your Moral Integrity.............
Not Even a Pack of Wolves Dares to Cross your Path..............
Trust yourself.............
Create the Kind of Self that you will be Happy to Live with All your Life..............
Be the Person who you Really are Then.............
Make the Most of Yourself.............
By Straining the Tiny,.............
Inner Sparks of Possibility into Aeonian Flames of Achievement..............
Without Constant & Continual.............
Growth & Progress,.............
Such words as;.............
Success have NO Meaning.............
Aim for Glory.............
Brace for Disaster.............
Then you will Exuberate your.............
Life's Achievement.............
Own it and it is yours to keep.............
Achievement belongs to a man who believes in it the most.............
By: Jay Carreon
************* INNOVATION *************
Innovation is an Unstoppable Event.............
Vulnerability is the Birthplace of Innovation,.............
Creativity and Change.............
Imagination is Not Only the Uniquely Human Capacity.............
To Envision that Which is Not,.............
Therefore, the Foundation of All Invention and Innovation.............
Starts With a Dreamer.............
Chance Favors the Connected Mind.............
Progress is Impossible Without Change,.............
& Those Who Can Not Change their Minds.............
Can Not Change Anything............
Without Change there is No Innovation,.............
Creativity, or Incentive for Improvement.............
Those Who Initiate Change Will Have a Better Opportunity.............
To Manage the Change that is Inevitable..............
Our Future Growth Relies On Competitiveness,.............
& Innovation, Skills and Productivity..............
& these in Turn Rely on the Education.............
The Whole Purpose of Education.............
Is To Turn Mirrors Into Windows.............
The Window Portal to Education is the Most Powerful Weapon.............
Which you Can Use To Change the World..............
Innovation is an Evolutionary Process,.............
So it's Not Necessary to be Radical All the Time..............
Healthy Curiosity is a Great Key in Innovation.............
Learning and Innovation Go Hand in Hand.............
The Arrogance of Success is to Think.............
That What You Did Yesterday Will be Sufficient for Tomorrow.............
Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower.............
Human Adventure is Just Beginning.............
The Future is Always Upon Us,.............
All We Need is to Cope Up or Be Left Behind.............
By:Jay Carreon
Innovation is an Unstoppable Event.............
Vulnerability is the Birthplace of Innovation,.............
Creativity and Change.............
Imagination is Not Only the Uniquely Human Capacity.............
To Envision that Which is Not,.............
Therefore, the Foundation of All Invention and Innovation.............
Starts With a Dreamer.............
Chance Favors the Connected Mind.............
Progress is Impossible Without Change,.............
& Those Who Can Not Change their Minds.............
Can Not Change Anything............
Without Change there is No Innovation,.............
Creativity, or Incentive for Improvement.............
Those Who Initiate Change Will Have a Better Opportunity.............
To Manage the Change that is Inevitable..............
Our Future Growth Relies On Competitiveness,.............
& Innovation, Skills and Productivity..............
& these in Turn Rely on the Education.............
The Whole Purpose of Education.............
Is To Turn Mirrors Into Windows.............
The Window Portal to Education is the Most Powerful Weapon.............
Which you Can Use To Change the World..............
Innovation is an Evolutionary Process,.............
So it's Not Necessary to be Radical All the Time..............
Healthy Curiosity is a Great Key in Innovation.............
Learning and Innovation Go Hand in Hand.............
The Arrogance of Success is to Think.............
That What You Did Yesterday Will be Sufficient for Tomorrow.............
Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower.............
Human Adventure is Just Beginning.............
The Future is Always Upon Us,.............
All We Need is to Cope Up or Be Left Behind.............
By:Jay Carreon
*********** REJECTION *************
Rejection is a Challenge..............
It is Not Our Differences That Divides Us.............
It is Our Inability to Recognize,.............
Accept, and Celebrate Those Differences.............
You Realize Your True Strength When People Reject You.............
In Actual Fact, They Do Not Reject You..............
They Re-direct You To Your Real Strength.............
Rejection Just Motivates Us To Keep Trying.............
And To Try To Do Better..............
Because They Are Blinded On What We Have To Offer.............
Because It is Better Than What They Expect Out Of Us............
Harvest Rejection Just Like Petrol.............
The More Filtered, The Further We Go.............
That's What Keeps Us Going.............
A Rejection is Nothing More.............
Than a Necessary Step in the Pursuit of Success.............
An Objection is Not a Rejection,.............
It is Simply a Request For More Information.............
Most Fears of Rejection Rest.............
On the Desire For Approval From Other People.............
Don't Base Your Self-esteem On Their Opinions.............
Great Men Are Made Great Because.............
They Once Learned How To Fight.............
The Feeling of Rejection.............
When You're Following Your Inner Voice,.............
Doors Tend To Eventually Open for You,.............
Even If They Mostly Slam at Your Face First.............
The Idea Of Rejection Is Very Arduous.............
To Bear On A Man's Part.............
Every time We Thought.............
We Are Being Rejected From Something Good ,,,,,,,,,,,,
We Are Actually Being Re-directed To Something Better .............
Never Preoccupy Yourself While Trying.............
To Hold On To Someone.............
Who Doesn't Care About Losing You .............
Because The Other Person FAILED.............
Failed To Notice What You Have To Offer.............
So Don't Hold On,.............
To Someone Who's Not Even Worthy Waiting For .............
Better Yet Find Someone To Live For .............
Or Find Someone Worth Dying For .............
Things Will Happen When You Least Expect It .............
& Everything Will Be Smooth Sailing Soon.............
By: Jay Carreon
Rejection is a Challenge..............
It is Not Our Differences That Divides Us.............
It is Our Inability to Recognize,.............
Accept, and Celebrate Those Differences.............
You Realize Your True Strength When People Reject You.............
In Actual Fact, They Do Not Reject You..............
They Re-direct You To Your Real Strength.............
Rejection Just Motivates Us To Keep Trying.............
And To Try To Do Better..............
Because They Are Blinded On What We Have To Offer.............
Because It is Better Than What They Expect Out Of Us............
Harvest Rejection Just Like Petrol.............
The More Filtered, The Further We Go.............
That's What Keeps Us Going.............
A Rejection is Nothing More.............
Than a Necessary Step in the Pursuit of Success.............
An Objection is Not a Rejection,.............
It is Simply a Request For More Information.............
Most Fears of Rejection Rest.............
On the Desire For Approval From Other People.............
Don't Base Your Self-esteem On Their Opinions.............
Great Men Are Made Great Because.............
They Once Learned How To Fight.............
The Feeling of Rejection.............
When You're Following Your Inner Voice,.............
Doors Tend To Eventually Open for You,.............
Even If They Mostly Slam at Your Face First.............
The Idea Of Rejection Is Very Arduous.............
To Bear On A Man's Part.............
Every time We Thought.............
We Are Being Rejected From Something Good ,,,,,,,,,,,,
We Are Actually Being Re-directed To Something Better .............
Never Preoccupy Yourself While Trying.............
To Hold On To Someone.............
Who Doesn't Care About Losing You .............
Because The Other Person FAILED.............
Failed To Notice What You Have To Offer.............
So Don't Hold On,.............
To Someone Who's Not Even Worthy Waiting For .............
Better Yet Find Someone To Live For .............
Or Find Someone Worth Dying For .............
Things Will Happen When You Least Expect It .............
& Everything Will Be Smooth Sailing Soon.............
By: Jay Carreon
Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringings its own individual wonder.
Be verbal in acknowledging your appreciation.
You can show that appreciation in big and little ways. It's often the little things that really count and will add up to a stable, loving, and mutually beneficial relationship.
Whenever we count our blessings, we find ourselves becoming more grateful because the good things of life outweigh the not so pleasant things that are happening in our lives.
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things all along.
We have to appreciate that managing the consequences of behaviour is the best way to change it.
If you believe in others and give them a positive reputation to uphold, you can help them to become better than they think they are.
We must value life and treasure each breath we take. We must value each person and how they touched our lives.
One way to combat the gloom is to wake up each day and reflect on what you are grateful for. You can find at least one thing to appreciate each day. Psychological research has shown that gratitude is actually one of the keys to being happy, so use this tool in order to build yourself up day by day.
Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered.
Just saying thank you will never repay your kindness.
Words cannot express feelings, nor thanks for everything you did.
Someday I will give back what you have given me.
For all you do, for who you are, I will always be forever grateful.
By: Jay Carreon
Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringings its own individual wonder.
Be verbal in acknowledging your appreciation.
You can show that appreciation in big and little ways. It's often the little things that really count and will add up to a stable, loving, and mutually beneficial relationship.
Whenever we count our blessings, we find ourselves becoming more grateful because the good things of life outweigh the not so pleasant things that are happening in our lives.
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things all along.
We have to appreciate that managing the consequences of behaviour is the best way to change it.
If you believe in others and give them a positive reputation to uphold, you can help them to become better than they think they are.
We must value life and treasure each breath we take. We must value each person and how they touched our lives.
One way to combat the gloom is to wake up each day and reflect on what you are grateful for. You can find at least one thing to appreciate each day. Psychological research has shown that gratitude is actually one of the keys to being happy, so use this tool in order to build yourself up day by day.
Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered.
Just saying thank you will never repay your kindness.
Words cannot express feelings, nor thanks for everything you did.
Someday I will give back what you have given me.
For all you do, for who you are, I will always be forever grateful.
By: Jay Carreon
Strive not to be of success, but rather to be of value.
A grateful heart is a beginning of all greatness. It is an expression of humility.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Great men are not born great, they grow great .
Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.
A great man is always willing to be little.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without.
Man is only truly great when he acts from his passions.
Based on my vision and insight there are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet.
Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
That is the authentic value of true greatness.
By: Jay Carreon
Strive not to be of success, but rather to be of value.
A grateful heart is a beginning of all greatness. It is an expression of humility.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Great men are not born great, they grow great .
Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.
A great man is always willing to be little.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without.
Man is only truly great when he acts from his passions.
Based on my vision and insight there are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet.
Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
That is the authentic value of true greatness.
By: Jay Carreon
What worries you, masters you.
There are so many ways to be brave in this world.
Physical bravery and moral bravery.
It is not just the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the will and spirit.
Bravery and perseverance makes all difficulty disappear and obstacles vanish.
Bravery is the foundation of integrity and wisdom.
Hope is waiting something to happen
Faith is believing something to happen.
Bravery is making something to happen.
Bravery doesn't always roar.
Somtimes bravery is a quiet voice saying,
I will do it again tomorrow.
A person who lucks bravery will never accomplish anything tomorrow.
With bravery we take all the risk.
A man will never cross an ocean until you are brave enough to leave the shore.
Because our lives will never be better just by chance, but it will be better by change.
Bravery and effort will never be enough without a proper direction.
A direction with no exact location but there is a specific destination.
Being brave is when you have to do something because you know it is right, but at the same time, you are afraid to do it, because it might hurt or whatever.
But we do it anyway.
We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.
Just like finding our ever after and never letting go, is a sign of a great bravey.
Bravery is found in astonishing places.
Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great.
Being brave is not as easy as it looks.
Bravery comes one day at a time.
By: Jay Carreon
What worries you, masters you.
There are so many ways to be brave in this world.
Physical bravery and moral bravery.
It is not just the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the will and spirit.
Bravery and perseverance makes all difficulty disappear and obstacles vanish.
Bravery is the foundation of integrity and wisdom.
Hope is waiting something to happen
Faith is believing something to happen.
Bravery is making something to happen.
Bravery doesn't always roar.
Somtimes bravery is a quiet voice saying,
I will do it again tomorrow.
A person who lucks bravery will never accomplish anything tomorrow.
With bravery we take all the risk.
A man will never cross an ocean until you are brave enough to leave the shore.
Because our lives will never be better just by chance, but it will be better by change.
Bravery and effort will never be enough without a proper direction.
A direction with no exact location but there is a specific destination.
Being brave is when you have to do something because you know it is right, but at the same time, you are afraid to do it, because it might hurt or whatever.
But we do it anyway.
We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.
Just like finding our ever after and never letting go, is a sign of a great bravey.
Bravery is found in astonishing places.
Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great.
Being brave is not as easy as it looks.
Bravery comes one day at a time.
By: Jay Carreon
I Found my Mind Wandering,
A plongeur is a slave, and a wasted slave, doing stupid and largely unnecessary work. He is kept at work, ultimately, because of a vague feeling that he would be dangerous if he had leisure. And educated people, who should be on his side, acquiesce in the process, because they know nothing about him and consequently are afraid of him.
I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things.
Certainly work is not always required of a man. There is such a thing as a sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation.
He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.
Leisure is only possible when we are at one with ourselves. We tend to overwork as a means of self-escape, as a way of trying to justify our existence.
The more interesting life becomes, in other words, the more boredom we are doomed to experience.
If we keep working our ass out and constantly forgetting the true meaning of the word leisure.
Leisure will be eliminated from the dictionary.
Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.
A life of leisure never satisfies anyone who possesses a lively mind.
Gratitude is the best leisure anyone can possess that brings a satisfied mind into a halt.
Moment of pleasures helps to renew strength and reposition man to creative point.
Enjoy good moments while they last, then make sure they're not the last.
By: Jay Carreon
I Found my Mind Wandering,
A plongeur is a slave, and a wasted slave, doing stupid and largely unnecessary work. He is kept at work, ultimately, because of a vague feeling that he would be dangerous if he had leisure. And educated people, who should be on his side, acquiesce in the process, because they know nothing about him and consequently are afraid of him.
I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things.
Certainly work is not always required of a man. There is such a thing as a sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation.
He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.
Leisure is only possible when we are at one with ourselves. We tend to overwork as a means of self-escape, as a way of trying to justify our existence.
The more interesting life becomes, in other words, the more boredom we are doomed to experience.
If we keep working our ass out and constantly forgetting the true meaning of the word leisure.
Leisure will be eliminated from the dictionary.
Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.
A life of leisure never satisfies anyone who possesses a lively mind.
Gratitude is the best leisure anyone can possess that brings a satisfied mind into a halt.
Moment of pleasures helps to renew strength and reposition man to creative point.
Enjoy good moments while they last, then make sure they're not the last.
By: Jay Carreon
No failure in Life, whether of love or money, is ever really that simple.
It usually involves a type of a shadowy betrayal, buried in a secret, mass grave of shared hopes and dreams.
Life is not about people who's real to your face, but it is on who's real behind your back.
It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.
While stabbing someones back, you recklessly expose your own.
Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.
Trust, once lost, could not be easily found. Not in a year, perhaps not even in a lifetime.
If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
Betrayal is common for men with no conscience.
Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are likely to do next.
It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.
Betrayal is never easy to handle and there is no right way to accept it.
To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
For there to be betrayal, there would have been trust.
Everyone suffers at least one bad betrayal in their lifetime. It’s what unites us. The trick is not to let it destroy your trust in others when that happens. Don’t let them take that from you.
Betrayal isn't ridiculous. It's the reason empires fall.
If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root.
Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.
Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.
By: Jay Carreon
No failure in Life, whether of love or money, is ever really that simple.
It usually involves a type of a shadowy betrayal, buried in a secret, mass grave of shared hopes and dreams.
Life is not about people who's real to your face, but it is on who's real behind your back.
It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.
While stabbing someones back, you recklessly expose your own.
Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.
Trust, once lost, could not be easily found. Not in a year, perhaps not even in a lifetime.
If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
Betrayal is common for men with no conscience.
Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are likely to do next.
It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.
Betrayal is never easy to handle and there is no right way to accept it.
To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
For there to be betrayal, there would have been trust.
Everyone suffers at least one bad betrayal in their lifetime. It’s what unites us. The trick is not to let it destroy your trust in others when that happens. Don’t let them take that from you.
Betrayal isn't ridiculous. It's the reason empires fall.
If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root.
Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.
Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.
By: Jay Carreon
Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy.
Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.
Jealousy is one of the wickedest of all the passions. It is that which has been the most fruitful mother of tragedies, murders, and wars. But reprehensible though it is, jealousy is almost rather to be pitied than blamed.
Its first victims are those who harbour the feeling.
Jealousy lives upon doubts. It becomes madness or ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty.
To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is, a dissatisfaction with self.
Jealousy can be disinfected with pure respect, trust, love and understanding the foundation and core of a strong and compact relationship.
Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
The worst wounds and the deadliest of them, are not the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally.
Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening. More men die of jealousy than of cancer.
A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
Comparison is a very foolish attitude, because each person is unique and incomparable. Once this understanding settles in you, jealousy disappears.
Heal your scars into wisdom.
Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.
By: Jay Carreon
Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy.
Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.
Jealousy is one of the wickedest of all the passions. It is that which has been the most fruitful mother of tragedies, murders, and wars. But reprehensible though it is, jealousy is almost rather to be pitied than blamed.
Its first victims are those who harbour the feeling.
Jealousy lives upon doubts. It becomes madness or ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty.
To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is, a dissatisfaction with self.
Jealousy can be disinfected with pure respect, trust, love and understanding the foundation and core of a strong and compact relationship.
Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
The worst wounds and the deadliest of them, are not the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally.
Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening. More men die of jealousy than of cancer.
A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
Comparison is a very foolish attitude, because each person is unique and incomparable. Once this understanding settles in you, jealousy disappears.
Heal your scars into wisdom.
Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.
By: Jay Carreon
Ignorance is a choice not a condemnation.
If it is too good to be true, sometimes it's not true.
It's not because you are old you are wise, sometimes you are just old but not wise.
When no information is left go right.
Information are facts delivered and hand overed to you and furnished on top of the table for you to consume ingest and digest.
Information are set of knowledge for you to gather and withhold for a life time of learning.
A sign of a prosperous individual is a person who has an outstanding information about everything.
Knowledge are facts and facts are data and data is an information.
A scarcity of attention brings a wealth and profusion of information.
A perfect explanation is equal to an excellent understanding.
Information shorts curcuit the mind but absorption burns the heart to reality.
We cruise the enlightenment age and all facts are bonded and binded with information Accept or be Rejected.
It's up to you to Adapt or Misadjust.
Adaptation is being optimistic.
An open minded man has no chance for his brain to fall to the ground and roll over, it only applies to those pessimist, because from the very start their brains are shuttered and splattered.
If you refuse knowledge, knowledge will refuse you back.
It is not the knowledge who needs you.
It is you who needs the knowldge.
Corruption Of The Present
Is Irrevocably Fatal To The Ignorance Of The Past.
The quitter you become you emerge as dumb.
By: Jay Carreon
Ignorance is a choice not a condemnation.
If it is too good to be true, sometimes it's not true.
It's not because you are old you are wise, sometimes you are just old but not wise.
When no information is left go right.
Information are facts delivered and hand overed to you and furnished on top of the table for you to consume ingest and digest.
Information are set of knowledge for you to gather and withhold for a life time of learning.
A sign of a prosperous individual is a person who has an outstanding information about everything.
Knowledge are facts and facts are data and data is an information.
A scarcity of attention brings a wealth and profusion of information.
A perfect explanation is equal to an excellent understanding.
Information shorts curcuit the mind but absorption burns the heart to reality.
We cruise the enlightenment age and all facts are bonded and binded with information Accept or be Rejected.
It's up to you to Adapt or Misadjust.
Adaptation is being optimistic.
An open minded man has no chance for his brain to fall to the ground and roll over, it only applies to those pessimist, because from the very start their brains are shuttered and splattered.
If you refuse knowledge, knowledge will refuse you back.
It is not the knowledge who needs you.
It is you who needs the knowldge.
Corruption Of The Present
Is Irrevocably Fatal To The Ignorance Of The Past.
The quitter you become you emerge as dumb.
By: Jay Carreon
Knowldge is power and Superiority is intelligence.
Common sense is far more greater force, than any other deviation of human genome.
Common sense is not a bizarre word, but actually charming and amusing.
But for some it is alluring and fascinating.
I guess, who wouldn't be captivated and compelled with it.
The word is self is catchy and fetching,
Common sense that is definitely and absolutely Not that Common to all.
Sound judgement and logic is the most accurate and concrete way to describe the word Common Sense.
Knowledge is what everyone wants, but Not everyone is willing to ingest.
The passion of curiosity and eagerness assets all the treasure trove of attainments and enlightenment of peculiar reason and intellect.
Intelligence avoids and eludes the idle, and the stubborn mind in thinking critically.
Shock and pumper your mind with information.
Let the data flow with No Obstruction.
Which this cosmos has to offer, mystery and enigma for you to discover and bring to light.
Information to crack,
Talents to dig up,
Skills to expose.
Stuffs to disclose, uncloak and unmask.
Facts and data lay bare, on this macrocosm sphere called earth.
Here lies the lowndown you seek.
The quest of wisdom is over.
The adventure chase of enlightenment and awareness is all around us.
It is up to you to detect and locate the true wisdom you desire and solicite.
The earth waits to No one, it is up to you to ensnare and entangle yourselves from what holds you back.
Or be abandoned and consigned to oblivion.
By: Jay Carreon
Knowldge is power and Superiority is intelligence.
Common sense is far more greater force, than any other deviation of human genome.
Common sense is not a bizarre word, but actually charming and amusing.
But for some it is alluring and fascinating.
I guess, who wouldn't be captivated and compelled with it.
The word is self is catchy and fetching,
Common sense that is definitely and absolutely Not that Common to all.
Sound judgement and logic is the most accurate and concrete way to describe the word Common Sense.
Knowledge is what everyone wants, but Not everyone is willing to ingest.
The passion of curiosity and eagerness assets all the treasure trove of attainments and enlightenment of peculiar reason and intellect.
Intelligence avoids and eludes the idle, and the stubborn mind in thinking critically.
Shock and pumper your mind with information.
Let the data flow with No Obstruction.
Which this cosmos has to offer, mystery and enigma for you to discover and bring to light.
Information to crack,
Talents to dig up,
Skills to expose.
Stuffs to disclose, uncloak and unmask.
Facts and data lay bare, on this macrocosm sphere called earth.
Here lies the lowndown you seek.
The quest of wisdom is over.
The adventure chase of enlightenment and awareness is all around us.
It is up to you to detect and locate the true wisdom you desire and solicite.
The earth waits to No one, it is up to you to ensnare and entangle yourselves from what holds you back.
Or be abandoned and consigned to oblivion.
By: Jay Carreon
Some people don't mean what they say and at the same time they don't say what they mean.
Communication is the means of placing two worlds together under one dome.
The bread and butter of social interaction.
The improper usage of these skill will lead to misundetstanding and the end result is by far lies under your imagination.
If you don't know it yet, imagination travels further than thoughts can go.
The versitility of communication is the most bizzare skill any man can own and once you're able to acquire each language the world can bestow.
Nobody can Withhold it away from you.
It is all about the proper usage of this skill, shows the adeptness of it's owner.
A dangerous weapon in the wrong hands but a very usefull art to a clever cerebrum.
This craft is one of the most amazing art one person can partake to the society.
From a scambled word,
To a work of art.
That touches the heart and mind, of its reader, and its listener.
Communication is a marvel through words and penned.
I cannot comprehend but to chew over the outsatanding ways, how to dispatch ideas, That us homo sapiens were able to master for millennia.
Exchanging information has many forms,
It goes in a form of;
Block - for the deafblind person.
Brille and Moon - for the blind to read and write.
Clear speech
Hands on Signing - for the deafblind.
Sign Language - for the deaf.
Tadoma ( lipreading ) - for the deafmute
Visual Frame - for the deafmute
These are ways on how extraordinary and exceptional ways, us humans reach out to each other.
Handle it well for the fragile minds and the flimsy ears.
Because a man with no vision is abominable that the blind can see.
Impaired listening habbit bottom's out a deaf can hear.
Atrocious word for a mute can say.
Here are sets of example that persons with disability can edge out a person with intact ability.
Understand it well, Absorb, Ingest, Digest the information and idea thoroughly before reacting.
Confused mind results to altered judgement.
By: Jay Carreon
Some people don't mean what they say and at the same time they don't say what they mean.
Communication is the means of placing two worlds together under one dome.
The bread and butter of social interaction.
The improper usage of these skill will lead to misundetstanding and the end result is by far lies under your imagination.
If you don't know it yet, imagination travels further than thoughts can go.
The versitility of communication is the most bizzare skill any man can own and once you're able to acquire each language the world can bestow.
Nobody can Withhold it away from you.
It is all about the proper usage of this skill, shows the adeptness of it's owner.
A dangerous weapon in the wrong hands but a very usefull art to a clever cerebrum.
This craft is one of the most amazing art one person can partake to the society.
From a scambled word,
To a work of art.
That touches the heart and mind, of its reader, and its listener.
Communication is a marvel through words and penned.
I cannot comprehend but to chew over the outsatanding ways, how to dispatch ideas, That us homo sapiens were able to master for millennia.
Exchanging information has many forms,
It goes in a form of;
Block - for the deafblind person.
Brille and Moon - for the blind to read and write.
Clear speech
Hands on Signing - for the deafblind.
Sign Language - for the deaf.
Tadoma ( lipreading ) - for the deafmute
Visual Frame - for the deafmute
These are ways on how extraordinary and exceptional ways, us humans reach out to each other.
Handle it well for the fragile minds and the flimsy ears.
Because a man with no vision is abominable that the blind can see.
Impaired listening habbit bottom's out a deaf can hear.
Atrocious word for a mute can say.
Here are sets of example that persons with disability can edge out a person with intact ability.
Understand it well, Absorb, Ingest, Digest the information and idea thoroughly before reacting.
Confused mind results to altered judgement.
By: Jay Carreon
Friday, March 2, 2018
Fight of Flight
Don't arouse my anger, it will be unleashed in biblical proportions.
There are two kinds of person in the world,
The one's who pick a fight and
The one's who finish it.
Out thinking your enemy will go one better ahead than being reckless and audacious than your adversary.
If out smarting your opponent doesn't work as planned.
Getting physical is the outcome of fallacy and deception.
All men are strained and sapped out to do good. But we are also induced and programmed to do evil.
It is the incontestable and undeniable truth of human blueprint.
Do no evil to no one, for it will ricochet and snap back to you.
Better yet, do unto others before others do unto you.
Respect and be respected.
Let bygones be bygones or suffer the wrath of vengeance and avengement.
A counterblow from your adversary is fatal and baleful once you were not able to dodge the lunge of your opponent.
Never start an altercation if you don't have the drift of intention of completion and consummation.
There are some fights that you have to back away, to fight another day.
That is why you are given two pairs of legs.
To walk away.
Do not be consumed and be dominated by anger, because anger is a letter short to danger.
Better yet let your enemies and critics murmur and mumble their lungs out.
Just assume and conclude that they are sandpaper they will graze and gash you, but in time you'll end up gleaming, glistening and polished, and at the end of the day, they will just wind up and emanate, as futile and dysfunctional individual/s.
While you'll end up like a glass.
For you, diamond is to much, for you to ask.
Be contented with the glass.
Because sometimes glass sparkle, shimmer and glare more than diamonds do.
Because it has tons to attest and more to give.
Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement.
Hate the action not the person,
A person Can Change.
An action Can't.
Absorb the Hate, and let your Back End Do the Rest.
Then Release, for them to Feast on.
By: Jay Carreon
Don't arouse my anger, it will be unleashed in biblical proportions.
There are two kinds of person in the world,
The one's who pick a fight and
The one's who finish it.
Out thinking your enemy will go one better ahead than being reckless and audacious than your adversary.
If out smarting your opponent doesn't work as planned.
Getting physical is the outcome of fallacy and deception.
All men are strained and sapped out to do good. But we are also induced and programmed to do evil.
It is the incontestable and undeniable truth of human blueprint.
Do no evil to no one, for it will ricochet and snap back to you.
Better yet, do unto others before others do unto you.
Respect and be respected.
Let bygones be bygones or suffer the wrath of vengeance and avengement.
A counterblow from your adversary is fatal and baleful once you were not able to dodge the lunge of your opponent.
Never start an altercation if you don't have the drift of intention of completion and consummation.
There are some fights that you have to back away, to fight another day.
That is why you are given two pairs of legs.
To walk away.
Do not be consumed and be dominated by anger, because anger is a letter short to danger.
Better yet let your enemies and critics murmur and mumble their lungs out.
Just assume and conclude that they are sandpaper they will graze and gash you, but in time you'll end up gleaming, glistening and polished, and at the end of the day, they will just wind up and emanate, as futile and dysfunctional individual/s.
While you'll end up like a glass.
For you, diamond is to much, for you to ask.
Be contented with the glass.
Because sometimes glass sparkle, shimmer and glare more than diamonds do.
Because it has tons to attest and more to give.
Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement.
Hate the action not the person,
A person Can Change.
An action Can't.
Absorb the Hate, and let your Back End Do the Rest.
Then Release, for them to Feast on.
By: Jay Carreon
The book doesn't only teach you to read.
But it teaches you to understand and to question.
Inquisitiveness is the desire to gather more ideas and facts to be knowlegable about something.
Inquisitiveness divides the living from other's who are just adrift, floating and gliding towards the motion of uncertainty.
Inquisitiveness and preparation is priming to success.
A clever individual is praised not by their answer but they are praised by the way they deliver a question.
An inquisitive mind can grind an elusive solution, and find the grail of knowledge at the bottom of a deep dark cave, you once feared to enter.
An idiot always has something to say.
A wise always has to say something.
Curiosity is way far better than a judgemental moron.
There are no stupid questions only idiot people.
There are two types of a question.
A question to dwell and learn.
A question to doubt and plunder.
An inquisitive eye is better than,
A prying inquisitive mouth that brings no other than doubt and mischief.
Some are senseless and some are sensible.
It does make sense right?
At anytime at any kind inquisitiveness is entwined with learning, weather it's for good or bad intent.
If you don't understand you have the right to question it.
But Not on what is left, of the life of others grow up.
If you can't see things clearly from the bright side, hide from the dark side.
Then work with the darkness to bring the light.
Nothing is too high with a horizon of wisdom is at hand.
In doubt or in truth curiosity is no shame.
Curiosity doesn't kill, it molds you to be a better person.
Inquisitiveness is a sign of an active mind.
By: Jay Carreon
The book doesn't only teach you to read.
But it teaches you to understand and to question.
Inquisitiveness is the desire to gather more ideas and facts to be knowlegable about something.
Inquisitiveness divides the living from other's who are just adrift, floating and gliding towards the motion of uncertainty.
Inquisitiveness and preparation is priming to success.
A clever individual is praised not by their answer but they are praised by the way they deliver a question.
An inquisitive mind can grind an elusive solution, and find the grail of knowledge at the bottom of a deep dark cave, you once feared to enter.
An idiot always has something to say.
A wise always has to say something.
Curiosity is way far better than a judgemental moron.
There are no stupid questions only idiot people.
There are two types of a question.
A question to dwell and learn.
A question to doubt and plunder.
An inquisitive eye is better than,
A prying inquisitive mouth that brings no other than doubt and mischief.
Some are senseless and some are sensible.
It does make sense right?
At anytime at any kind inquisitiveness is entwined with learning, weather it's for good or bad intent.
If you don't understand you have the right to question it.
But Not on what is left, of the life of others grow up.
If you can't see things clearly from the bright side, hide from the dark side.
Then work with the darkness to bring the light.
Nothing is too high with a horizon of wisdom is at hand.
In doubt or in truth curiosity is no shame.
Curiosity doesn't kill, it molds you to be a better person.
Inquisitiveness is a sign of an active mind.
By: Jay Carreon
To censure a person right there and then, is positioning a person into a point of no return to condemnation.
It is like spacing away their chance to an involuntary surrender, a captivation to an enchanting demise and dissolution.
In this extraordinary society, there is always a chance and opportunity, for a different set of probabilities and possibilities.
Because there is always three side in a story.
A story from this particular person and your side and the truth.
Behind all these confusion and entanglement between two sides.
The fastest route to escape is to reprehend and denounce that individual, for your get away bluff and scheme.
Their would always be a cause in return.
Like the third law of Newton.
In every action there is an equal and appropriate reaction.
In this case it also applies.
Just like karma, a force created by a person's action will eventually ricochet and bonce back to its seed and source.
It is hard to swallow pride, because it can choke our ego and dignity,
If there is still something left.
It is demoralizing and discouraging too.
In a manner, don't blame the man who read the book that you also read.
I may not be the best example and not that perfect.
The good thing is, am not you.
By: Jay Carreon
To censure a person right there and then, is positioning a person into a point of no return to condemnation.
It is like spacing away their chance to an involuntary surrender, a captivation to an enchanting demise and dissolution.
In this extraordinary society, there is always a chance and opportunity, for a different set of probabilities and possibilities.
Because there is always three side in a story.
A story from this particular person and your side and the truth.
Behind all these confusion and entanglement between two sides.
The fastest route to escape is to reprehend and denounce that individual, for your get away bluff and scheme.
Their would always be a cause in return.
Like the third law of Newton.
In every action there is an equal and appropriate reaction.
In this case it also applies.
Just like karma, a force created by a person's action will eventually ricochet and bonce back to its seed and source.
It is hard to swallow pride, because it can choke our ego and dignity,
If there is still something left.
It is demoralizing and discouraging too.
In a manner, don't blame the man who read the book that you also read.
I may not be the best example and not that perfect.
The good thing is, am not you.
By: Jay Carreon
It finally came into my senses after countless years of searching and turning over stones, that edifying an ethical behaviour is far advantageous than being reckless and dominant.
But these never ending brainteaser cunundrum touches my mind.
Why in the hell do we need to be dominant.
If we can just leave as equal as we can possibly be?
The question remains.
There are no conclusions to offer,
No hypothesis to crack and expose.
Before these mystery will finally reveal itself, to be tamed on its complete form and disitance.
A miticulous examination and exploration must be done, just like cracking the binary code.
That it takes an ample time, dedication and extreme exhaustion of the mind and body. Anyone shall and must go through, with no impending result in the end.
We have long enough withdrawn ourselves from animals because we are the only species that can generate a system on our own, and study our own nature.
But rather than prolonging our agony, man once again has divised a way to divide the structure of human living.
A wholesome word was born out of nowhere.
Because it is conductive to moral well-being.
Cultivate your mind and heart with positive thoughts and optimism and the flow of nature will be on your side no matter how arduous and strenuous the circumstance it will be.
Wisdom will be your guide.
By: Jay Carreon
It finally came into my senses after countless years of searching and turning over stones, that edifying an ethical behaviour is far advantageous than being reckless and dominant.
But these never ending brainteaser cunundrum touches my mind.
Why in the hell do we need to be dominant.
If we can just leave as equal as we can possibly be?
The question remains.
There are no conclusions to offer,
No hypothesis to crack and expose.
Before these mystery will finally reveal itself, to be tamed on its complete form and disitance.
A miticulous examination and exploration must be done, just like cracking the binary code.
That it takes an ample time, dedication and extreme exhaustion of the mind and body. Anyone shall and must go through, with no impending result in the end.
We have long enough withdrawn ourselves from animals because we are the only species that can generate a system on our own, and study our own nature.
But rather than prolonging our agony, man once again has divised a way to divide the structure of human living.
A wholesome word was born out of nowhere.
Because it is conductive to moral well-being.
Cultivate your mind and heart with positive thoughts and optimism and the flow of nature will be on your side no matter how arduous and strenuous the circumstance it will be.
Wisdom will be your guide.
By: Jay Carreon
Everything we do starts with a sunrise but everything we've done matters before sundown.
There is no sunrise and sunset that is the same.
At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.
Each day is born with a sunrise
and ends in a sunset, the same way we
open our eyes to see the light,
and close them to hear the dark.
Every morning, appreciate the golden glowing sun for giving you life.
Every evening, appreciate the moonlight for it drawns out all the brightest stars to bring light in our darkest moments.
Let the sunrise of every morning bring you the light and contentment in life.
Just like the days, no two sunrises are ever the same.
Every sunrise gives you an opportunity to begin again.
Starting the day with another chance to be new again.
There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple and breathtakingly pure.
It’s the paint that changes its meaning and the hand that creates the story. Every piece begins the same, but in the end they are all uniquely different.
The only difficulty is trying to rebuild yourself, piece by piece, with no instructional book, and no clue as to where all the important bits are supposed to go.
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.
Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knews, against all he knows.
What you leave behind says as much about you as what you bring along.
Life is not only about enjoying the sunrise.
Together we have to face and enjoy dark nights too.
The charm of golden sunrise and sunset does not depend on you, it reflects on you.
By: Jay Carreon
Everything we do starts with a sunrise but everything we've done matters before sundown.
There is no sunrise and sunset that is the same.
At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.
Each day is born with a sunrise
and ends in a sunset, the same way we
open our eyes to see the light,
and close them to hear the dark.
Every morning, appreciate the golden glowing sun for giving you life.
Every evening, appreciate the moonlight for it drawns out all the brightest stars to bring light in our darkest moments.
Let the sunrise of every morning bring you the light and contentment in life.
Just like the days, no two sunrises are ever the same.
Every sunrise gives you an opportunity to begin again.
Starting the day with another chance to be new again.
There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple and breathtakingly pure.
It’s the paint that changes its meaning and the hand that creates the story. Every piece begins the same, but in the end they are all uniquely different.
The only difficulty is trying to rebuild yourself, piece by piece, with no instructional book, and no clue as to where all the important bits are supposed to go.
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.
Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knews, against all he knows.
What you leave behind says as much about you as what you bring along.
Life is not only about enjoying the sunrise.
Together we have to face and enjoy dark nights too.
The charm of golden sunrise and sunset does not depend on you, it reflects on you.
By: Jay Carreon
Trials are the very fabric of civilization.
Reason is the best bridge on a rogue wave over troubled waters.
Trials starts from a hypothetical plot, to an exploratory and theoretical aftermath.
It all dwells in intelligent reasoning and mental adjustment.
To come up to an effective and brilliant idea over a reasonable and ample time.
Us humans has been tried and tested for countless millennia and still we are being tested over again.
A new attestation to sooth through, a test to be approved and be certified.
Justification never stops, a never ending cycle , from who's right and wrong?
The only thing is both are the same because,
There is no right way to do something wrong.
There is no wrong way to do something right.
Either way they are correct perfectly parallel to each other, who lives in different worlds.
The Law of Relativity.
Multiple meanings in one context and denotation.
It only depends on the interpretation, clarification and illumination of the person.
That can visualize the vision.
Auditory for audible reason.
Verbal for Oral reason.
Without the use of proper thinking ability.
There would be cerebral treason and dysfunctional mental hygine.
Variants of provisional answer and vindication, falls into place with a tentative experimental action, to ascertain result.
From a random enormous ocean wave of question conundrum all it started.
To a serene, calm and quiet scene.
To a confused and chaotic affairs.
Ended up in a versatile, flactuating definition and clarification of an exceptional term called Trial.
That is the name of the game.
By: Jay Carreon
Trials are the very fabric of civilization.
Reason is the best bridge on a rogue wave over troubled waters.
Trials starts from a hypothetical plot, to an exploratory and theoretical aftermath.
It all dwells in intelligent reasoning and mental adjustment.
To come up to an effective and brilliant idea over a reasonable and ample time.
Us humans has been tried and tested for countless millennia and still we are being tested over again.
A new attestation to sooth through, a test to be approved and be certified.
Justification never stops, a never ending cycle , from who's right and wrong?
The only thing is both are the same because,
There is no right way to do something wrong.
There is no wrong way to do something right.
Either way they are correct perfectly parallel to each other, who lives in different worlds.
The Law of Relativity.
Multiple meanings in one context and denotation.
It only depends on the interpretation, clarification and illumination of the person.
That can visualize the vision.
Auditory for audible reason.
Verbal for Oral reason.
Without the use of proper thinking ability.
There would be cerebral treason and dysfunctional mental hygine.
Variants of provisional answer and vindication, falls into place with a tentative experimental action, to ascertain result.
From a random enormous ocean wave of question conundrum all it started.
To a serene, calm and quiet scene.
To a confused and chaotic affairs.
Ended up in a versatile, flactuating definition and clarification of an exceptional term called Trial.
That is the name of the game.
By: Jay Carreon
We are all an ordinary individual.
Who doesn't know which way to go.
An enticing sensation you enter during your callow years.
The tangibility of your young foolish heart is pumped up and suffused with saved up wishes waiting to be unleashed.
Suddenly one day everything fell apart and you lost your tract.
Waking up another day without your special someone is a distorting blow of truth to your heart.
Better to say in your hypothalamus from which every thing began.
It all started as a beautiful dream,
From a harmless glamorous butterfly and ended up to be a cataclysmal horrid locust.
I can define it as crushed with grief, affliction, anguish, dolor and with undying sorrow from a deep and poignant distress but breaking down is not an option.
We've all been their one time or another, a word full of mischief, devilment and impishness.
Heartbreak is an unfortunate and disastrous moment, if you are unable to recover, worlds fall apart as you lurk and linger, full of self-pity and distress, no man can recover and cope up, if it was full of unfinished riddle and conundrum.
A love too good to be true suddenly prompt to oblivion.
Heartbroken is a tough word and difficult to bare, one of the hardest word in this life.
Summon into mind and conjure up that every night the world begins again.
By: Jay Carreon
We are all an ordinary individual.
Who doesn't know which way to go.
An enticing sensation you enter during your callow years.
The tangibility of your young foolish heart is pumped up and suffused with saved up wishes waiting to be unleashed.
Suddenly one day everything fell apart and you lost your tract.
Waking up another day without your special someone is a distorting blow of truth to your heart.
Better to say in your hypothalamus from which every thing began.
It all started as a beautiful dream,
From a harmless glamorous butterfly and ended up to be a cataclysmal horrid locust.
I can define it as crushed with grief, affliction, anguish, dolor and with undying sorrow from a deep and poignant distress but breaking down is not an option.
We've all been their one time or another, a word full of mischief, devilment and impishness.
Heartbreak is an unfortunate and disastrous moment, if you are unable to recover, worlds fall apart as you lurk and linger, full of self-pity and distress, no man can recover and cope up, if it was full of unfinished riddle and conundrum.
A love too good to be true suddenly prompt to oblivion.
Heartbroken is a tough word and difficult to bare, one of the hardest word in this life.
Summon into mind and conjure up that every night the world begins again.
By: Jay Carreon
This is never been a good word, in medical terminology, either way it brings advesity and excessive blow to whom who might get it.
The devil's own luck I must say.
No friend nor foe can escape the call of death.
Rich or poor, single or double your life will be collected and your tariff life will be revoked and no void of power can undo the last call of nature upon you.
Having an illness that, not one soul wants to have that will eventually lead to death is undeniably chaotic for the mind and body.
Terminal is utterly beyond hope with a definite period of demise.
The body is doomed on passing but the thoughts of you lives life for a life time.
Terminal is the permanent end of all functions of life in an organism and some of its cellular components.
Terminal condition is a condition caused by injury, disease or illness from which, to a point of reasonable degree of medical probability, a patient cannot recover, and in which, the patient's death is imminent, or Segen's.
Acceptance is the only cure for imminent death.
A raw deal for a rotten luck causing the end of life.
Everyone will knock on death's door.
By: Jay Carreon
This is never been a good word, in medical terminology, either way it brings advesity and excessive blow to whom who might get it.
The devil's own luck I must say.
No friend nor foe can escape the call of death.
Rich or poor, single or double your life will be collected and your tariff life will be revoked and no void of power can undo the last call of nature upon you.
Having an illness that, not one soul wants to have that will eventually lead to death is undeniably chaotic for the mind and body.
Terminal is utterly beyond hope with a definite period of demise.
The body is doomed on passing but the thoughts of you lives life for a life time.
Terminal is the permanent end of all functions of life in an organism and some of its cellular components.
Terminal condition is a condition caused by injury, disease or illness from which, to a point of reasonable degree of medical probability, a patient cannot recover, and in which, the patient's death is imminent, or Segen's.
Acceptance is the only cure for imminent death.
A raw deal for a rotten luck causing the end of life.
Everyone will knock on death's door.
By: Jay Carreon
To understand pretending is to conquer all barriers of time and space.
The world is a perpetual portrait of itself.
Reality is a background so painted over by our own perceptions that every eye sees the world differently.
Good actors worked and started out making faces in a mirror, and they keep making faces all throught their life.
Just like pretending to be happy is more annoying than actually being sad. Because pretending is an addicting substance than can destroy your mind.
When everyone smiles at you something is wrong because some might be holding guns in their head pointing at you.
There's no use of pretending to be good in front of people who are also doing same to us. Mutual Deceptions don't lead anywhere.
Action implies who they really are.
Words pretened who they wanted to be.
People don't want to hear what is behind the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
Those who can not appreciate the value of loyalty will never see the cost of betrayal.
A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.
But there's a huge difference between playing and playing games. The former is an act of satisfaction and the latter is just a deceiving act.
We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.
There's only one requirement of any of us, and that is to be courageous. Because courage, as you might know, defines all other human behavior.
Pretending that you lived doesn't jastify the truth of being alive.
You can't pretend forever.
By: Jay Carreon
To understand pretending is to conquer all barriers of time and space.
The world is a perpetual portrait of itself.
Reality is a background so painted over by our own perceptions that every eye sees the world differently.
Good actors worked and started out making faces in a mirror, and they keep making faces all throught their life.
Just like pretending to be happy is more annoying than actually being sad. Because pretending is an addicting substance than can destroy your mind.
When everyone smiles at you something is wrong because some might be holding guns in their head pointing at you.
There's no use of pretending to be good in front of people who are also doing same to us. Mutual Deceptions don't lead anywhere.
Action implies who they really are.
Words pretened who they wanted to be.
People don't want to hear what is behind the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
Those who can not appreciate the value of loyalty will never see the cost of betrayal.
A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.
But there's a huge difference between playing and playing games. The former is an act of satisfaction and the latter is just a deceiving act.
We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.
There's only one requirement of any of us, and that is to be courageous. Because courage, as you might know, defines all other human behavior.
Pretending that you lived doesn't jastify the truth of being alive.
You can't pretend forever.
By: Jay Carreon
On The Edge
This world is another planet's hell.
Everyone is Real
But Not Everyone is True.
Fuck Zombie Apocalypse, it ain't gonna happen.
Worry About the Retard Apocalypse.
It's all upon Us.
If you Dream of Beating me up.
Better wake up you Delusional Bustard, Contrite and Apoligize or be ready to be Mangled.
Don't limit your challenges but instead challenge your limits.
Don't other one's behaviour destroy and topsy your inner peace.
A dog will look down when they are wrong
But a snake will look you up right in the eyes.
Intuition is a built in bullshit detector.
My mistakes are meant to guide me Not Defines me.
How far do you want me to go back.
You Tell me.
A black sheep's story narrated by a wolf.
Better to be the wolf of Odin.
Than to be the lamb of your god.
Your worst mistake is thinking that I am your sheep.
A Wolf does Not concern himself with the opinion of Sheeps.
Your Judgement has just been Terminated.
I am Wise as I am Kind.
I can be unperceptive, horrid and hideous.
I can be unwary and heedless.
If push comes to shove and cross me.
I can do wondrous mess of things, and a magnificent topsy and havoc in life.
You generate your own demons,
I just unleash and vent it out unto you.
For certain a wolf is a rampaging beast on a slightest provocation a powerful force in a stuff of legends and horrid nightmares.
Don't go in my mind. I will slaughter you
there inside.
I Was Not Unleashed In This Marocosm Sphere To Please No Body IDGAF.
Sleep is good and death is better for a troubled mind to have its complete, infinite and boundless rest.
Relationship never dies a natural death.
They are murdered by ego.
Repel and back off, scram if you must.
A man of my caliber will strike back if cornered on the edge of anger.
By: Jay Carreon
This world is another planet's hell.
Everyone is Real
But Not Everyone is True.
Fuck Zombie Apocalypse, it ain't gonna happen.
Worry About the Retard Apocalypse.
It's all upon Us.
If you Dream of Beating me up.
Better wake up you Delusional Bustard, Contrite and Apoligize or be ready to be Mangled.
Don't limit your challenges but instead challenge your limits.
Don't other one's behaviour destroy and topsy your inner peace.
A dog will look down when they are wrong
But a snake will look you up right in the eyes.
Intuition is a built in bullshit detector.
My mistakes are meant to guide me Not Defines me.
How far do you want me to go back.
You Tell me.
A black sheep's story narrated by a wolf.
Better to be the wolf of Odin.
Than to be the lamb of your god.
Your worst mistake is thinking that I am your sheep.
A Wolf does Not concern himself with the opinion of Sheeps.
Your Judgement has just been Terminated.
I am Wise as I am Kind.
I can be unperceptive, horrid and hideous.
I can be unwary and heedless.
If push comes to shove and cross me.
I can do wondrous mess of things, and a magnificent topsy and havoc in life.
You generate your own demons,
I just unleash and vent it out unto you.
For certain a wolf is a rampaging beast on a slightest provocation a powerful force in a stuff of legends and horrid nightmares.
Don't go in my mind. I will slaughter you
there inside.
I Was Not Unleashed In This Marocosm Sphere To Please No Body IDGAF.
Sleep is good and death is better for a troubled mind to have its complete, infinite and boundless rest.
Relationship never dies a natural death.
They are murdered by ego.
Repel and back off, scram if you must.
A man of my caliber will strike back if cornered on the edge of anger.
By: Jay Carreon
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