Friday, March 2, 2018

Moment of Truth

The moment of truth is difficult to come by.
A sound and reasonable poke of truth is what others are so afraid off.
From memed faces and inadequate behavior of word fabricators.
Truth is what compels them.
An excorcism of truth.
If that's what you prefer, eludes these in habitants away from you.
Deceivers, are the demons who are walking amongst us.
That's the reason why hell is vacant because all the devils are here and right there beside you at this very moment.
They will always come and go.
They will come to fublist and distort you then, they will go.
They will go tell everyone that you poisoned them even though you just gave them a taste of thier own medicene.
Perjurers and Habitual Liars are a compulsive liar. 
Defined as someone who lies out of habit. 
Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. 
Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. 
For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.
Words are free.
It's on how you use them that might cost you or makes a difference.
The biggest difference of people you meet and me is that they talk shit at your back
I slap those shit on your Face.
A handful of people is like an old telly.
You need some brute force and a little bitting, for them to visualize the picture.
I am only responsible for what I say.
Not on what you understand.
I don't have a short tempre.
I just have a fast reflex to bullshit and assholes.

By: Jay Carreon

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