Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Echo of despair

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Sometimes we need to be alone.
We need to ponder our shame and our despair in seclusion and solitude. 
We need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with ourself, with only the music of our heart for company.
Our beerdrunk soul is sadder than all the dead valentines flowers of the world. 
Our hope is born and unleashed when all around us starts to fall. 
Our life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.
But the road that is built in hope, is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination.
The greatest hazard of all, despair can occur very quietly like a thief and mugger that will take us by surprise. 
On the contrary all of the above are not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt, it only applies to pessimist for they couldn't see any positivity on their side,  not for us. 
When in despair, just remember that all through out history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem can be invincible, but in the end, they always fall and fail. 
Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart.
Do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart.
Do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
It is a curious thing, but as one travels the world getting older and older, it appears that happiness is easier to get used to than despair. 
Happiness is an acquired taste, but despair is something surprising each time you encounter it.
Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek the road scattered and sprinkled with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it.
Despair is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing is to lose our reason for living.
Because in every cries there are laughters, 
Harnest and harvest despair because all real laughters comes from deep despair. 
Because if we are in despair we believe in something. 
Because always and most of the time positivity out shines and out glitters negativity to its eternal rest. 

By:  Jay Carreon

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