Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Illusive Hearing

Words are partial truths.
Foolish leaders listen.
Wise leaders hear.
Listening is a skill. 
To hear and to be heard is a gift.
Hearing is a bestowal sense, a choice to lend and an option to reject.
The ear is the most efficient and most sensitive sensory organ of the body.
We did the easy thing. 
We heard words but we didn’t hear meanings.
We connect more deeply by realizing words are shadows.
Why shadows?
Because it might just be a silhouette blurry acoustic voice of the mouth or an orthodox voice of the soul waiting to be attended and heard.
Ears are like antennae picking up sounds in different directions.
We need to concentrate and understsnd.
A healthy ear is immune and can with stand hearing sick words.
Listen to a person who doesn't tell you what you want to hear but tells you what you need to hear.
We can't live a positive life with a negative mind.
Positive attitude are critical to improved hearing.
Listen not with the intent to reply, but with the intent to understand.
The difference between hearing and listening is paying attention.
Don't just think and judge but you listen.
Hearing is the key to communication and to social interaction.
Hearing is a sound investment.
It is not just hearing that improves life,
But also listening.
Hear the World, make it a better place for you can Listen.

By: Jay Carreon

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