When Doubt Strikes
Doubt is a creature within the air.
It grows when someone hesitates.
Doubt is the privilege
of those who have lived a long time.
Expressing doubt is how
we begin a journey to discover essential truths.
Doubt whom you will,
but never yourself.
A mind troubled by doubt
cannot focus on the course to victory.
Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise.
Deep doubts is deep wisdom.
Small doubts is little wisdom.
Doubt is the origin of all wisdom.
The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting,
by doubting we come to the question,
and by seeking we might come upon the truth.
It is by doubting that we come to investigate,
and by investigating that we recognize the truth.
If a man will begin with certainties,
he shall end in doubts,
but if he will be content
to begin with doubts,
he shall end in certainties.
Doubt is what gets you an education.
To know much,
is often the cause of doubting more.
The fundamental cause of the trouble
is that in the modern world,
the stupid are cocksure,
while the intelligent are full of doubt.
We learn from failure,
not from success.
Doubt is the first ray of illumination.
Doubt is the ally of hope,
not its enemy,
and together they made
the impossible yesterday, possible today.
Progress is born of doubt and inquiry.
Doubt is the father of invention.
Doubt comes in at the window,
when Inquiry is denied at the door.
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today.
We need to doubt everything
and search our own light
because we carry our own sunshine.
Not all doubts brings you no good.
By: Jay Carreon
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